Russian Thinkers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Russian Thinkers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who said, "the fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing"?
(a) Archilochus.
(b) Solon.
(c) Plotinus.
(d) Plato.

2. What did the Tsar see himself defending the country against?
(a) Reforms in land ownership and use.
(b) Selfish aristocrats.
(c) Atheism, liberalism and revolution.
(d) Anarchist mobs.

3. What was the result of Russia's "moral quarantine"?
(a) A decrease in censorship.
(b) Intense Slavophilia.
(c) A renaissance in Russian literature.
(d) Ethnic cleansing of Tartars.

4. Who spread German Romantic philosophy in student circles?
(a) Nikolai Gogol.
(b) Nicholas Stankevich.
(c) Vissarion Belinksy.
(d) Pavel Annenkov.

5. What did the Tsar see himself as defending for his country?
(a) Opportunity and liberty.
(b) The property of landowners.
(c) Autocracy, religion and order.
(d) Civil rights for serfs and peasants.

6. What policy of Peter the Great's had spawned the intelligentsia?
(a) Peter the Great instituted land reforms and made education more affordable to Russian peasants.
(b) Peter the Great acted as a patron of the arts and initiated a Renaissance in Russian arts and letters.
(c) Peter the Great sent the sons of aristocrats to Europe for education.
(d) Peter the Great invested heavily in bringing European intellectuals to Russia.

7. What was Turgenev's "negative Hegelianism?"
(a) Turgenev saw Hegel's world spirit in the failure of reform movements in Russia.
(b) Turgenev rejected materialism as the basis for political developments.
(c) Turgenev saw evolution as an inverse fulfillment of the Hegelian world-spirit.
(d) Turgenev rejected a world soul, but embraced the critique of materialism.

8. Who wrote the memoir titled "The Birth of the Russian Intelligentsia"?
(a) Alexander Herzen.
(b) Vissarion Belinksy.
(c) Ivan Turgenev.
(d) Pavel Annenkov.

9. What did Herzen see as the individual's role in history?
(a) Herzen saw as the individual's role in history as an obligation to heal society from the damages done by progress.
(b) Herzen saw as the individual's role in history as an obligation to manifest the universe's latent desires.
(c) Herzen saw as the individual's role in history as an obligation to understand and cooperate with historical forces.
(d) Herzen saw as the individual's role in history as an obligation to fulfill his own nature.

10. What conspiracy against the Tsar did the censorship program discover?
(a) The Petrashevsky Circle.
(b) The Molotov anarchists.
(c) The Decembrists.
(d) The Moscow threat.

11. Who was Mikhail Bakunin's mentor?
(a) Fyodor Dostoevsky.
(b) Pavel Annenkov.
(c) Vissarion Belinksy.
(d) Nicholas Stankevich.

12. How does Berlin describe Herzen's importance?
(a) Berlin describes him as writer of no lasting importance.
(b) Berlin describes him as a theorist whose ideas were popular for a short time.
(c) Berlin describes him as censor who had a powerful effect on Russian literature.
(d) Berlin describes him as a moral thinker of the first importance.

13. What dictum of Schelling's represented the Russian literary scene in the nineteenth century?
(a) The arts are the last thing to change in a culture.
(b) Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
(c) Writers capture the times better than sociologists do.
(d) Idealism lives in literature but grows old and dies in prison.

14. How did Herzen see history?
(a) Herzen saw history as the mind of God thinking.
(b) Herzen saw history as a movement of spiritual forces.
(c) Herzen saw history as a mechanistic development.
(d) Herzen saw history as the narrative imposed after events.

15. How did censorship system work?
(a) It was a double censorship system.
(b) It used paid informers to keep banned books from being written.
(c) It forced authors to publically recant having written banned books.
(d) It relied on writers' self-censorship.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did the epoch that followed the Tsar's acts in the wake of the Decembrist Rebellions end?

2. How does Berlin describe the state of Russian culture in the mid-1800s?

3. What measures did the Tsar take to assert his values?

4. What is the stereotype of the Russian intellectual?

5. What student of Stankevich's lectured on Western medieval history in Moscow?

(see the answer keys)

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