Russian Thinkers Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Russian Thinkers Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Russian Populism.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which two thinkers influenced the Russian populists?
(a) Fourier and Mill.
(b) Darwin and Marx.
(c) Locke and Rousseau.
(d) Kant and Hume.

2. What sentiment ultimately moved the Populists?
(a) Lust for power.
(b) Idealistic hope for social justice.
(c) Longing for political stability.
(d) Revulsion from capitalism.

3. How does Berlin describe Herzen's importance?
(a) Berlin describes him as writer of no lasting importance.
(b) Berlin describes him as a moral thinker of the first importance.
(c) Berlin describes him as a theorist whose ideas were popular for a short time.
(d) Berlin describes him as censor who had a powerful effect on Russian literature.

4. What did Herzen predict in "From the Other Shore"?
(a) The triumph of Communism in Russia.
(b) The decline of Europe.
(c) World War I.
(d) The Thirty Years War.

5. What advantages did Hegel's theories have for Bakunin?
(a) Hegel's contradictions let Bakunin justify aesthetics and physical labor.
(b) Hegel's contradictions let Bakunin justify both rebellion and obedience.
(c) Hegel's idealism let Bakunin justify his loathing of Russian politics.
(d) Hegel's idealism let Bakunin justify his optimism in Russia's future.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Russian word "obshcnina" mean?

2. Who spread German Romantic philosophy in student circles?

3. How did the Populists differ from Marxists?

4. How does Berlin describe Herzen's prose style?

5. How does Berlin describe Bakunin's personality?

(see the answer key)

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