Running with Scissors Test | Final Test - Medium

Augusten Burroughs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Running with Scissors Test | Final Test - Medium

Augusten Burroughs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Augusten's reaction to Neil Bookman's disappearance?
(a) He is amused.
(b) He is terrified.
(c) He is relieved.
(d) He is devastated.

2. Who complained about the presence of the Christmas tree in Augusten's memory?
(a) Fern.
(b) Augusten.
(c) Norman.
(d) Deirdre.

3. What concept do Natalie and Augusten discuss as they are hitchhiking back into town?
(a) Dishonesty.
(b) Safety.
(c) Sexuality.
(d) Religion.

4. Where does Natalie get her first job?
(a) McDonald's.
(b) Burger King.
(c) Taco Bell.
(d) Domino's Pizza.

5. Why does Deirdre decide to search for a new girlfriend?
(a) Because Deirdre has simply grown tired of her relationship with Fern.
(b) Because Fern has decided to leave Deirdre.
(c) Because Deirdre is not sexually satisfied.
(d) Because Fern will not leave her husband.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Augusten wake to hear Cesar Mendoza having sex with?

2. How does Augusten compare as a student to Natalie?

3. With what instrument does Deirdre scrawl the number 5 around her hospital room?

4. What color does the dyed hair come out as?

5. What famous wedding is the Finch family watching on the television?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Deirdre confess to Augusten that drives a wedge between him and Natalie?

2. What disturbing behavior does Augusten witness from his mother during their stay in Rhode Island?

3. What does Augusten explain has happened to Dr. Finch and Deirdre in the epilogue?

4. Why do Hope Finch and Neil Bookman get into a huge fight about Neil's relationship with Augusten?

5. What does Natalie inform Augusten of while they are whale watching, and how does she prove her point?

6. How do Natalie and Augusten get on at college?

7. What happens after Augusten becomes smitten with the boy from the convenience store?

8. What happens after Deirdre meets Winnie Pye?

9. What happens when Augusten and Natalie go into the city to search for part-time jobs?

10. What significant event happens during Natalie and Augusten's first live performance at the mental health hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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