Running Out of Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Running Out of Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 1, where does Jessie say her family lived before Clifton?
(a) Pennslyvania.
(b) New York.
(c) Connecticut.
(d) Maryland.

2. Why do the middle school visitors to Clifton make fun of Clifton's school?
(a) Because of the languages they speak.
(b) Because of what they are learning.
(c) Because of the age of the teachers.
(d) Because of how they are dressed.

3. In Chapter 1, why does Jessie say she is glad to not be a grown-up?
(a) The clothing.
(b) The cleaning.
(c) The cooking.
(d) Jessie says she wishes she was a grown-up.

4. In Chapter 7, what sounds confuses Jessie?
(a) A sink running.
(b) A phone ringing.
(c) A lock turning.
(d) A toilet flushing.

5. What does Jessie do when she hears voices in the Clifton bathroom?
(a) She stands on the toilet seat.
(b) She peeks at the girls.
(c) She starts to cry.
(d) She runs out of the bathroom.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many children are in Jessie's family?

2. What does Jessie's dad do for a living?

3. What did Ma do for a living before moving to Clifton?

4. In Chapter 5, what confuses Ma as she explains Clifton to Jessie?

5. What does Jessie say is haunted in Clifton?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Ma's life like before moving to Clifton?

2. What do Jessie's parents do to make their living in Clifton?

3. In Chapter 5, what does Ma tell Jessie about clothing?

4. In Chapter 5, what does Ma worry about when it comes to the health of the residents of Clifton?

5. How does Jessie avoid being caught by Clifton security in Chapter 6?

6. What does Ma give Jessie before she leaves Clifton?

7. What does Ma tell Jessie after they leave the Bentons' in Chapter 1?

8. In Chapter 8, what does Jessie realize about her life in Clifton?

9. Why does Ma tell Jessie to find Mr. Neely?

10. Why does Jessie's mother leave the house in the middle of the night in Chapter 1?

(see the answer keys)

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