Running Out of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Running Out of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While escaping Mr. Neely's apartment in Chapter 19, who does Jessie think of to inspire her to be brave?
(a) Her brother.
(b) Her father.
(c) Her mother.
(d) The president.

2. In Chapter 23, why does Frank Lyle apologize on television?
(a) For running out of money.
(b) He doesn't apologize.
(c) For being a poor scientist.
(d) For pretending to be Mr. Neely.

3. Who makes Jessie go back to bed after watching television in Chapter 23?
(a) Katie.
(b) A nurse.
(c) An old man.
(d) A doctor.

4. After Jessie's news conference, who do the reporters call?
(a) The Health Department.
(b) Mr. Neely.
(c) The hospital.
(d) Other reporters.

5. What surprises Jessie the most the first time she visits a store in 1996?
(a) The food.
(b) The variety of drinks.
(c) The prices.
(d) The way people dress.

6. How does Tol act around Jessie when Ray speaks with her?
(a) He interrupts frequently.
(b) He stays in the car.
(c) He teases her.
(d) He isn't there yet.

7. In Chapter 18, what does Jessie overhear Mr. Neely say will continue?
(a) The research.
(b) The plan.
(c) The drugging.
(d) The torture.

8. What comforts Jessie in Chapter 13 as she walks along the highway?
(a) The chirping of a bird.
(b) A note from her mother.
(c) The sound of cars passing.
(d) A picture of her father.

9. In Chapter 20, what does the old woman tell Jessie at the bus stop?
(a) That she can take the bus downtown.
(b) That she can give great directions.
(c) That she looks terrible.
(d) That she can pay for Jessie's bus ride.

10. In Chapter 12, why does the driver stop the bread truck?
(a) He hears Jessie yelling to him to stop.
(b) He comes to a red light.
(c) He has a flat tire.
(d) He hears Jessie in the back.

11. How does Jessie know she isn't dreaming in Chapter 19?
(a) She discovers the door is locked.
(b) She splashes water on her face.
(c) She pinches herself.
(d) She shakes her head side to side.

12. In Chapter 18, why is Mr. Neely so comfortable having people over when Jessie is at his apartment?
(a) He thinks she is drugged.
(b) He wants to introduce her.
(c) He isn't comfortable.
(d) He has her room locked.

13. What does Ray assume Jessie is in Chapter 16?
(a) A police aide.
(b) A street performer.
(c) A hitchhiker.
(d) A child.

14. What does Katie reveal at the end of Chapter 22?
(a) That Mr. Seward was in jail.
(b) That everyone things Jessie is a hero.
(c) That the police put all the children in handcuffs.
(d) That none of the Clifton children have seen their parents since leaving Clifton.

15. Why does Jessie worry about calling Mr. Neely in Chapter 13?
(a) She is afraid his number has changed.
(b) She doesn't know who Mr. Neely is.
(c) She is confused about what to say.
(d) She doesn't know what a phone looks like.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Jessie bump her head in Chapter 18?

2. While riding the bus in Chapter 20, who does Jessie decide she must contact first?

3. In Chapter 22, where does Katie say the children from Clifton are?

4. Why doesn't Jessie want to talk to the old woman on the bus?

5. What does Jessie do with the glass of water Mr. Neely gives her in Chapter 17?

(see the answer keys)

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