Running from Safety: An Adventure of the Spirit Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Running from Safety: An Adventure of the Spirit Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Running from Safety: An Adventure of the Spirit Lesson Plans
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Richard do that improves his enjoyment of the event?
(a) Focuses on his wife.
(b) Has several cocktails.
(c) Donates anonymously.
(d) Chats with an old friend.

2. Richard and Leslie discuss letting Dickie know about ___________________________.
(a) their plans to move.
(b) the new baby.
(c) their fights and marriage lessons.
(d) Richard's illness.

3. Dickie is fearful of death and _______________________.
(a) torture.
(b) suffering.
(c) the end of the world.
(d) pain.

4. Where does Richard find Dickie as Richard heads out to do some paragliding in Chapter 34?
(a) Hiking in the woods.
(b) On a lush hilltop.
(c) Asleep in bed.
(d) Taking a bath.

5. Dickie is always in search of _________________.
(a) excitement.
(b) girls.
(c) money.
(d) security.

Short Answer Questions

1. What decision does Dickie make in Chapter 38?

2. What situation does Richard use to talk to Dickie about taking responsibility in life?

3. What name does Richard give the item in #134?

4. Richard discovers that many people near him at the event are ________________.

5. Richard encourages Dickie to be ______________ in his life choices.

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Richard use arithmetic to teach Dickie about life?

2. What does Richard tell Dickie about his religious beliefs after the death of his brother?

3. What does Richard feel about his role as teacher in his relationship with Dickie?

4. Why does Richard use the word "different" to discuss marriage with Dickie?

5. What is Richard's perspective on the possibility of Dickie's leaving?

6. How does Richard view Dickie in Chapter 34 as opposed to seeing him as an imaginary friend in Chapter 33?

7. How does Richard use the metaphor of games to explain life to Dickie?

8. How does Richard mentally escape the charity ball in Chapter 20?

9. What is the basis of the conversation between Richard and Dickie regarding good and evil?

10. What example does Richard give regarding taking a risk and doing something you love as opposed to doing what other people may think of as stability?

(see the answer keys)

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