Runaway Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Runaway Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What nickname did Carla give to Clark when she first met him and learned of the many jobs he had?
(a) Winsome wanderer.
(b) Gypsy Rover.
(c) Bohemian Babe.
(d) Sweet Drifter.

2. What did Carla's stepfather call Clark?
(a) Son.
(b) Idiot.
(c) Vagabond.
(d) Loser.

3. Where do Carla's mother and father live?
(a) British Columbia.
(b) Quebec.
(c) Toronto.
(d) Vancouver.

4. Why does Carla keep her head down when she first gets on the bus to Toronto?
(a) So nobody will see her crying.
(b) So nobody will talk to her.
(c) So Clark will not see.
(d) In case someone who knows Clark is on the bus.

5. What do Carla and Sylvia have for lunch before heading to the bus depot?
(a) Sandwiches and beer.
(b) Soup and juice.
(c) Omelettes and wine.
(d) Muffins and milk.

6. Where does Carla's brother live?
(a) Vancouver.
(b) Montreal.
(c) Quebec.
(d) Toronto.

7. Where had Sylvia slept the last three months of Leon's life?
(a) In bed with him.
(b) The living room sofa.
(c) A chair by his bed.
(d) The spare bedroom.

8. What gift does Sylvia bring Carla from Greece?
(a) A silver necklace.
(b) A bronze miniature goat.
(c) A bronze miniature racing horse.
(d) A gold coin.

9. What other gift does Sylvia bring back for Carla but does not give to her?
(a) A little stone she had found on the road.
(b) A postcard of where she had been staying.
(c) Some coffee.
(d) A set of earrings.

10. What does Sylvia say about Carla in the first message she leaves on Ruth's answering machine?
(a) She may be a little drunk.
(b) She may be a little skittish.
(c) She may be a little overbearing.
(d) She may be a little full of herself.

11. What does Sylvia give to Carla before taking her to the bus stop?
(a) A canister of coffee.
(b) A gold necklace to sell.
(c) A change of clothes.
(d) A bagged lunch.

12. What did Carla joke with Clark about when she first started working with him just after highschool?
(a) How annoying their boss was.
(b) How all the women were after him.
(c) How bad he was with women.
(d) How nobody wanted lessons from him.

13. What word is used to describe how Sylvia feels when Carla began to cry?
(a) Helpless.
(b) Empathetic.
(c) Angry.
(d) Appalled.

14. What does Carla tell Sylvia when she asks how life has been there while she was in Greece?
(a) It has been beautiful and sunny.
(b) It has been the same as ever.
(c) It has been boring without Sylvia.
(d) It has been raining a lot.

15. What does Carla misspell in her letter to Clark?
(a) Alright.
(b) A lot.
(c) At least.
(d) Away.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Carla tell Sylvia she would go if she had the money?

2. What does Sylvia tell Carla she would have liked most in Greece?

3. What song did Carla hum when she left a note for her parents after deciding to run away with Clark?

4. How does Carla decide she will inform Clark of her departure?

5. What often happened with Sylvia's young female students who "hung around her worshipfully" (9)?

(see the answer keys)

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