The Runaway Jury Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Runaway Jury Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money does Easter think they should give to Mrs. Wood?
(a) No money, just the verdict.
(b) One billion dollars.
(c) One hundred thousand dollars.
(d) One million dollars.

2. What does Fitch offer to Marlee to help Easter convince the juror he is worried about?
(a) A packet of information about this person.
(b) Information about a cheating husband.
(c) A picture of her before her surgery.
(d) Information about the abortion.

3. Which juror worries Easter?
(a) Millie.
(b) Angel.
(c) Rikki.
(d) Henry.

4. Who called Phoebe looking for information about Claire?
(a) Fitch.
(b) Jeff Kerr.
(c) Swanson.
(d) Millie.

5. What does Judge Harkin arrange before he reconvenes court?
(a) A microphone so everyone can hear the verdict.
(b) Cameras in the courtroom.
(c) Protection for Easter.
(d) A clear courtroom.

6. Who accompanies Easter back to his apartment complex?
(a) Fitch.
(b) Marlee.
(c) Sheriff.
(d) No one.

7. How much money does Fitch ask all of the CEOs to transfer?
(a) 2 million.
(b) 4 million.
(c) 1 million.
(d) 3 million.

8. Which juror claims loudly that he did not vote for this verdict?
(a) Angel.
(b) Lonnie.
(c) Millie.
(d) Rikki.

9. What does Dr. McQuade testify is true?
(a) Smokers are an uneducated and uninformed population.
(b) Smokers have no control over their choices.
(c) Smokers make informed choices about buying cigarettes.
(d) Smokers do not believe in the company advertising.

10. How does Rohr practice his closing statements?
(a) In front of the mirror.
(b) In the courtroom alone.
(c) He records it with a camera and watches it.
(d) In front of seven lawyers who critique him.

11. Which of the jurors doesn't understand why Mrs. Wood should become a multimillionaire?
(a) Rikki.
(b) Millie.
(c) Sylvia.
(d) Jerry.

12. What do Marlee and Easter do while they are on the plane?
(a) Try to find out where FItch is.
(b) Try to figure out how to spend the money.
(c) Talk about their next scam.
(d) Watch coverage of the verdict.

13. What does Fitch consider doing when he gets the call from Swanson about Marlee's past, but then disregards doing?
(a) Meeting with the CEOs and asking for more money.
(b) Telling the judge that the jury has been compromised.
(c) Killing Marlee.
(d) Calling in a bomb threat.

14. What new demand does Maple make as he meets with Cleve?
(a) Money up front for one vote and deposits for the others.
(b) An increase of the amount per vote he wants.
(c) All of the money up front for five votes.
(d) A lump sum of money regardless of how many votes he can get.

15. What does Fitch do to confirm that the transfer was completed per Marlee's instructions?
(a) Faxes confirmation to Easter at the motel.
(b) Place confirmation in a special secret location.
(c) Drop off confirmation with Marlee.
(d) Call Marlee and leaves a message on her phone.

Short Answer Questions

1. From what country is Easter's passport to help him get through customs?

2. What does Fitch think will happen once he hears Napier and Nitchmann's story?

3. What information did Swanson find out about the people he believes to be Marlee's parents?

4. Why doesn't Fitch attend the Saturday morning testimony?

5. What is Fitch carrying when he meets Marlee?

(see the answer keys)

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