Ruined Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Lynn Nottage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ruined Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Lynn Nottage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act Two: Scenes 4-7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The stage directions note that Scene 2 of Act Two should open with the lights taking what action?
(a) Getting brighter.
(b) Turning off.
(c) Turning on.
(d) Fading.

2. Salima angrily tells Sophie in Scene 2 of Act Two that Fortune had accused her of taking what action against him?
(a) Lying to him.
(b) Cuckolding him.
(c) Striking him.
(d) Dishonoring him.

3. What kind of leader is Kisembe said to be in Scene 2 of Act One?
(a) Rebel.
(b) Communist.
(c) Democratic.
(d) Gang.

4. At what time of day does Scene 3 of Act Two begin?
(a) Morning.
(b) Midnight.
(c) Afternoon.
(d) Evening.

5. Which character has a major argument with Mama at the end of Scene 4 in Act Two?
(a) Sophie.
(b) Josephine.
(c) Salima.
(d) Christian.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which characters does Mama lead toward Osembenga's table in Scene 4 of Act One?

2. In what decade of life is Mama Nadi, the madam who runs the brothel at the center of the play?

3. When Mama comes to the doorway in Scene 3 of Act Two, who is standing outside the door?

4. What term does Salima use to classify her own identity when talking to Sophie?

5. What item does Mama deny Christian, causing him to become angry and snap at Sophie?

(see the answer key)

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