Rubyfruit Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rubyfruit Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Carrie disappointed that Molly is elected student council president?
(a) She thinks Molly will have to quit her job.
(b) She thinks it will interfer with Molly's school work.
(c) She is jealous.
(d) She'd rather that Molly had been elected prom queen.

2. What does Cheryl Spiegelglass do to try to upstage Molly in the school Christmas play?
(a) She ad libs lines.
(b) She locks Molly in a closet so she can't get to the stage.
(c) She sings much more loudly than Molly.
(d) She trips Molly.

3. What does Molly decide she'd rather be when she, Cheryl Spiegelglass, and Leroy are playing nurses?
(a) A veterinarian.
(b) A school teacher.
(c) A model.
(d) A doctor.

4. What is the only reason people get married, according to Molly in Part 1: Chapter 4?
(a) Because they are deeply in love.
(b) So they can have sex.
(c) Because the woman is pregnant.
(d) For money.

5. Who is Jennifer?
(a) Leroy's mother.
(b) Molly's teacher.
(c) Leroy's girlfriend.
(d) Molly's best friend.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Molly tell Carl she'd like to study in college?

2. Why do Molly and Brockhurst Detwiler end their money-making venture?

3. Where do Molly and her family move to after Molly's sixth grade year?

4. Why does Connie Pen become angry at Molly and Carolyn Simpson?

5. What do Molly and Carolyn Simpson end up doing in the children's park on the night they go there to get drunk?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Molly react strongly to Ep's use of the word "bastard" in describing the man he fought with in Part 1: Chapter 3?

2. What do Molly's actions toward Leroy following Jennifer's death reveal about her character?

3. Why does Leroy agree to help Molly with her trick on Earl Stambach?

4. Why does Molly return home after running away when she learned of being adopted?

5. Why do you think Molly is not terribly concerned about the fact that she is adopted?

6. For what reasons do Molly and her roommate Faye pledge sororities?

7. Why does Leroy threaten to tell everyone what Molly and Leota Bisland have been doing in the woods?

8. Why does Leroy tell Earl that the raisin box contains rabbit feces?

9. What is Miss Marne's purpose in sending Molly to see a psychiatrist to deal with her homosexuality?

10. Why might Faye and Molly have decided to tell the two women they meet in a gay bar in Part 2: Chapter 10 that they are a couple?

(see the answer keys)

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