Rubyfruit Jungle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rubyfruit Jungle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What position is Molly able to find in a major film studio?
(a) Producer.
(b) Secretary.
(c) Camera operator.
(d) Grip.

2. Whose idea was it for Carrie and Carl to adopt Molly?
(a) Carrie's.
(b) Carl's.
(c) Molly's.
(d) Florence's.

3. Where does Faye Raider take Molly when they are in Jacksonville?
(a) A museum.
(b) A strip club.
(c) A gay bar.
(d) A zoo.

4. What is Molly's senior project?
(a) An art project.
(b) A thesis paper.
(c) A debate.
(d) A short film.

5. What decision does Molly come to after Chrys propositions her?
(a) She will make up with Carrie.
(b) She won't compromise her principles for a college education.
(c) She will move back to Pennsylvania.
(d) She will stop being gay.

6. What does Molly vow to do on her second night in New York?
(a) Find an apartment.
(b) Get married.
(c) Get a job.
(d) Become a star.

7. What does Molly do to get back at the coworker who is trying to sabotage her in Part 4: Chapter 14?
(a) Molly tells her boss about the sabotage attempt.
(b) Molly trips her in front of everyone at the office.
(c) Molly puts a bag of dog poop in her desk drawer.
(d) Molly gets her fired.

8. Where does Molly work following her college graduation?
(a) Fox studios.
(b) Warner Brothers studios.
(c) A restaurant.
(d) The publisher for whom she worked during college.

9. Why do Faye Raider's sorority sisters require her to meet weekly with her pledge-sister?
(a) They like her and want to make sure she stays.
(b) They are concerned about her behavior.
(c) They want her to tutor her pledge-sister.
(d) They want her to donate money to the sorority.

10. Where does Molly begin working in Part 4: Chapter 14?
(a) A publishing company.
(b) A circus.
(c) A film studio.
(d) A movie theater.

11. Where do Calvin and Molly go so that Calvin can find someone to go home with?
(a) A gay bar.
(b) Central Park.
(c) A pool hall.
(d) The museum.

12. What proposition does Chrys make to Molly?
(a) She says she will pay for Molly's schooling if Molly will be her lover.
(b) She offers Molly $1,000 to stop seeing Holly.
(c) She offers Molly money to pose for nude pictures.
(d) She offers Molly a part in a play.

13. Where does Molly go after the argument between Polina Bellantoni and Alice?
(a) Idaho.
(b) Europe.
(c) Pennsylvania.
(d) California.

14. What does Holly call Molly as the two leave their place of employment after Holly's altercation with a customer?
(a) A witch.
(b) The best employee the employer has ever had.
(c) Her best friend.
(d) Her wife.

15. What is the main topic of conversation when Molly and Paul go out for tea?
(a) Molly's sexuality.
(b) Molly's life.
(c) Paul's life.
(d) English literature.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money does Molly have in her pocket when Carrie refuses to allow her to return home?

2. What does Polina Bellantoni threaten to do to Alice if she doesn't stop seeing Molly?

3. Why does Holly suggest she and Molly should stop seeing each other?

4. What does Molly attend the senior films without that everyone else brings?

5. Who is the first person Molly meets in New York?

(see the answer keys)

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