Rubyfruit Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rubyfruit Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of box does Molly use in the trick she plays on Earl Stambach?
(a) A Sunmaid raisin box.
(b) A Kellog's corn flakes box.
(c) A cigar box.
(d) A shoe box.

2. What does Carolyn Simpson refuse to do with her boyfriend?
(a) Skip school.
(b) Remind Mr. Beers that they know about his affair.
(c) Go bowling.
(d) Have sex.

3. Why is Carrie angry about Molly's business with Brockhurst Detwiler?
(a) It goes against her moral code.
(b) It shames her in front of the neighbors.
(c) She wants a cut of the money.
(d) She thinks Molly's father will be angry.

4. What advice does Carl give Molly about her plans for her college studies?
(a) He tell her she should pursue a degree in business.
(b) He suggests she study something easy.
(c) He says she has just one life and she should do what makes her happy.
(d) He doesn't want her to go to college.

5. Why does Carrie tell Leroy he can't stay with Molly during her punishment?
(a) Because Leroy's father would be angry.
(b) Because Carrie doesn't like him.
(c) Because he could pick up "women's ways."
(d) Because he didn't do anything wrong.

6. In Part 1: Chapter 4, what is Molly's secret career goal?
(a) To be president.
(b) To be a nurse.
(c) To be an acress.
(d) To be a lawyer.

7. What does Molly do to punish Cheryl Spiegelglass for trying to steal the spotlight in the school's Christmas play?
(a) She tells the audience that Cheryl is doing it all wrong.
(b) She shoves Cheryl off the stage.
(c) She hits Cheryl.
(d) She rips Cheryl's costume.

8. What does Leroy do to prove his heterosexuality in Part 2: Chapter 7?
(a) Becomes physically aggressive with other men.
(b) Joins the football team.
(c) Learns karate.
(d) Finds a girlfriend.

9. How old is Molly at the beginning of Part 1: Chapter 2?
(a) Fifteen.
(b) Twenty-one.
(c) Nineteen.
(d) Eleven.

10. Why do Molly and Connie Pen have more freedom during their senior year than other students?
(a) They are well liked.
(b) No one pays any attention to what they do.
(c) They discover Mr. Beers's affair with Mrs. Silver.
(d) They are the top students.

11. Who does Molly ask to tell Earl Stambach that Molly is looking for him?
(a) Leroy.
(b) Barbara.
(c) Ep.
(d) Carrie.

12. What suggestion does Molly make about her birth parents that angers Carrie?
(a) She suggests they were African American.
(b) She suggests that her birth parents are looking for her.
(c) She suggests that her birth parents were famous actors.
(d) She suggests they were very wealthy.

13. Why does Molly give Earl Stambach the box?
(a) It is Earl's birthday.
(b) She likes Earl.
(c) Earl called her names.
(d) Earl told on her at school several times.

14. What does Molly do to Carrie when Carrie tries to teach her about canning?
(a) She hugs Carrie and thanks her.
(b) She yells at Carrie.
(c) She throws fruit at Carrie.
(d) She locks Carrie in the root cellar.

15. Who is Mrs. Silver?
(a) Molly's neighbor.
(b) Molly's teacher.
(c) Carolyn Simpson's aunt.
(d) The dean of women.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Connie Pen become angry at Molly and Carolyn Simpson?

2. What is Molly's and Connie's plan to win over their teacher?

3. In Part 1, Chapter 2, what is Earl Stambach doing when Molly and Leroy find him and give him the raisin box?

4. In Part 1: Chapter 1, where does Molly live?

5. Who does Molly admit she has a crush on in Part 2: Chapter 7?

(see the answer keys)

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