Rubyfruit Jungle Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rubyfruit Jungle Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 1: Chapter 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What grade is Molly in as Part 1: Chapter 5 begins?
(a) 12th grade.
(b) 9th grade.
(c) 2nd grade.
(d) 6th grade.

2. What kind of box does Molly use in the trick she plays on Earl Stambach?
(a) A shoe box.
(b) A Sunmaid raisin box.
(c) A cigar box.
(d) A Kellog's corn flakes box.

3. What does Cheryl Spiegelglass do to try to upstage Molly in the school Christmas play?
(a) She ad libs lines.
(b) She sings much more loudly than Molly.
(c) She locks Molly in a closet so she can't get to the stage.
(d) She trips Molly.

4. What is the only reason people get married, according to Molly in Part 1: Chapter 4?
(a) Because they are deeply in love.
(b) Because the woman is pregnant.
(c) For money.
(d) So they can have sex.

5. What does Molly do to Cheryl Spiegelglass when Cheryl tells her she has to be a nurse because she's a girl?
(a) Runs away crying.
(b) Tells Cheryl she is right.
(c) Tells Cheryl she is ugly.
(d) Punches Cheryl in the mouth.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Carrie tell Leroy he can't stay with Molly during her punishment?

2. What do Molly and Brockhurst Detwiler decide to charge extra money for?

3. What are Ep and Molly's father doing when she sees them after sneaking downstairs on the night of Jennifer's burial?

4. Why is Carrie angry about Molly's business with Brockhurst Detwiler?

5. What are the only times that Molly thought men were allowed to touch prior to seeing Ep and her father on the night of Jennifer's burial?

(see the answer key)

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