Royal Holiday Test | Final Test - Medium

Jasmine Guillory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Royal Holiday Test | Final Test - Medium

Jasmine Guillory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 12, why does Vivian think she might be cold in Malcolm's bed?
(a) She is sleeping naked, which she never does.
(b) The heat is off.
(c) Malcolm does not have any blankets on his bed.
(d) Malcolm may have kept the heat low so she would want to snuggle with him.

2. In Chapter 12, who comes to Malcolm's flat without warning in the morning?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Miles.
(c) The Queen.
(d) Maddie.

3. In Chapter 12, what does Vivian tell Malcolm about Miles that he does not want to hear?
(a) He should ask Miles for they key to his apartment.
(b) He should ask Miles to move in with him.
(c) He should apologize to Miles.
(d) He should pay for Miles to go to art school.

4. In Chapter 11, what does the museum staff worker do for Vivian that is very rare?
(a) He lets her touch a painting.
(b) He lets her take a picture of a painting.
(c) He takes a tiara out of its case to let her look more closely at it.
(d) He lets her take a chip of paint home with her.

5. In Chapter 10, what is Vivian impressed with when she walks into Malcolm's apartment for the first time?
(a) The bright paint.
(b) The amazing view of the city.
(c) The priceless paintings.
(d) All the instruments displayed that he plays.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 8, why does Vivian know Maddie is so nervous about the way the Duchess looks on Christmas Day?

2. In Chapter 11, what does Malcolm tell Vivian about how to dress for their surprise night out?

3. In Chapter 7, what does Maddie say about Malcolm's proposition for Vivian to stay with him longer in London?

4. In Chapter 8, what is different about Vivian's Christmas morning in Sycamore Cottage from every other Christmas morning she has had for years?

5. In Chapter 8, what is Maddie doing on Christmas morning?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 7, how does Malcolm know that James, a staff member at Sycamore Cottage, understands the dynamic between himself and Vivian?

2. In Chapter 10, how do Malcolm and Vivian decide to handle Malcolm's surprise plans for her for the rest of their time together?

3. In Chapter 9, what are two things that upset Malcolm when he first meets Vivian in the lobby of The Goring Hotel on their first day in London together?

4. In Chapter 10, how does Malcolm explain his strange behavior from his first day in London with Vivian to her?

5. In Chapter 10, what is Vivian mortified to have forgotten for her first night with Malcolm?

6. In Chapter 10, what is Vivian immediately impressed with when she walks into Malcolm's apartment for the first time?

7. In Chapter 8, what causes the argument between Malcolm and Miles on Christmas Day?

8. In Chapter 7, what does Vivian like about Malcolm's voice?

9. In Chapter 7, why is Vivian so upset when Malcolm tells her he has rearranged her flight and travel itinerary?

10. In Chapter 12, what does Miles forget to leave at Malcolm's apartment, and why is this significant?

(see the answer keys)

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