Royal Holiday Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jasmine Guillory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Royal Holiday Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jasmine Guillory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 4, what does Malcolm tell Vivian about the current state of Parliament?
(a) It is fairly stable.
(b) The leader of the majority party is mired in scandal, which is making everyone nervous.
(c) It is in chaos.
(d) The leader of each party is getting ready to resign.

2. Why is Vivian looking only at the back of the horse's head she is riding on for the first part of her ride on the horse?
(a) She loves the fur on the horses's head there.
(b) She gets motion sickness and can only focus on one spot.
(c) She finds it calming to look at the bridle that is on the back of the horse's head there.
(d) She feels like if she looks anywhere else, she might fall off the horse.

3. Who is the chef at the Duke and Duchess's cottage?
(a) James Madison.
(b) Julia Pepper.
(c) Sandra Coakley.
(d) Malcolm Gladwell.

4. What is one reason Vivian is nervous about her trip to the stables in Chapter 4?
(a) A horse once kicked her and she was injured.
(b) She does not like the way horses smell.
(c) She does not like the stable staff.
(d) She is intimidated by horses.

5. What does the Queen's private secretary invite Vivian to do on her first day staying at the Duchess's cottage?
(a) Go for a tour of Sandringham estate.
(b) Go for a winter swim in the pool on the grounds.
(c) Go see the crown jewels.
(d) Go for lunch in town.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 4, what is the first thing the stable manager tells Vivian to do when she gets up on the horse?

2. In Chapter 3, what means of communication does Malcolm use to invite Vivian to go to the stables?

3. In Chapter 6, what does Maddie ask Vivian to do for her and the Duchess?

4. What is Vivian about to ask Malcolm when they run into the Queen unexpectedly?

5. Where does the Queen's private secretary work most of the time?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 4, what is the phrase both Malcolm and the Queen use to compliment Vivian's riding?

2. In Chapter 4, why is Vivian reluctant to wear a hat despite the cold when she is out with Malcolm?

3. In Chapter 5, what has frustrated Vivian about her recent dates with men?

4. In Chapter 4, how does Vivian end up feeling about riding a horse once she has done it for a short time?

5. In Chapter 4, what do the royal stables mean to Vivian as she thinks about her impending visit there?

6. How does Vivian's daughter Maddie come to work for the Duchess in Chapter 1?

7. In Chapter 2, what is difficult for Vivian to get used to as she walks around Sandringham Estate with Malcolm and why?

8. In Chapter 4, what does Tim, the stable manager, tell Vivian she should think about when she deals with the horses?

9. In Chapter 1, why are there often fires in the bedrooms at Sycamore Cottage, and what happened when the Duchess tried to use electric space heaters?

10. In Chapter 2, what does Malcolm tell Vivian his main job is?

(see the answer keys)

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