Royal Holiday Test | Final Test - Easy

Jasmine Guillory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Royal Holiday Test | Final Test - Easy

Jasmine Guillory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 9, what is the name of the hotel Vivian is staying at?
(a) The Goring hotel.
(b) The Intercontinental Hotel.
(c) The Wynn hotel.
(d) The Windsor Hotel.

2. In Chapter 12, what does Vivian tell Malcolm about Miles that he does not want to hear?
(a) He should pay for Miles to go to art school.
(b) He should apologize to Miles.
(c) He should ask Miles for they key to his apartment.
(d) He should ask Miles to move in with him.

3. In Chapter 11, what question does Vivian ask Malcolm when he says he has not heard from Miles since Christmas?
(a) If Miles could have left the country.
(b) Whether he has reached out to Miles.
(c) If Miles could be staying with his girlfriend.
(d) If Malcolm would let her talk to Miles.

4. In Chapter 9, what does Malcolm say he has planned for Vivian over the next few days?
(a) Three tours every morning and one more every afternoon.
(b) A few surprises.
(c) A tour of the city's finest restaurants.
(d) At least two museum visits every day.

5. In Chapter 11, what gesture does Malcolm make that Vivian finds sweet and touching as they get ready to go out?
(a) He helps her into her coat.
(b) He plucks a stray hair from her dress.
(c) He puts her shoes on for her.
(d) He grabs her purse for her.

6. In Chapter 10, what is Vivian embarrassed she did not think of getting in anticipation of her night with Malcolm?
(a) Champagne.
(b) Lubricant.
(c) Condoms.
(d) Lingerie.

7. In Chapter 11, what does Vivian tell Malcolm she did not realize about her job until it was time to leave it?
(a) How ready she is to leave it.
(b) How little she is being paid.
(c) How much she likes it.
(d) How much time it took away from her relationship with Maddie.

8. In Chapter 7, what British Christmas tradition does Vivian take part in at the dinner table for the first time?
(a) Drinking shots of sambucca.
(b) Singing The Holly and the Ivy.
(c) Making arts and crafts.
(d) Pulling Christmas crackers.

9. In Chapter 11, what does Vivian tell Malcolm about her visit to the museum?
(a) It made her less happy about going home.
(b) It tired her out.
(c) It may be the best surprise of her life.
(d) It disappointed her.

10. In Chapter 10, what does Vivian say is one thing she hates about surprises?
(a) They are never really secret.
(b) She thinks they are always too expensive.
(c) They are always given by the wrong people.
(d) Everything is out of her hands.

11. In Chapter 11, what is the room the museum staff worker takes Vivian and Malcolm into at the museum?
(a) Paintings by Monet.
(b) Paintings by Vermeer.
(c) Jewels.
(d) Sculptures by Rodin.

12. In Chapter 9, what does Vivian show Malcolm from her few days in London with Maddie?
(a) Lots of photos on her phone of the two of them together.
(b) The notes she took on her tours of the city.
(c) The clothes she bought for herself as sousvenirs.
(d) The things she bought as gifts for people back home.

13. In Chapter 11, what does Malcolm tell Vivian about how to dress for their surprise night out?
(a) He tells her to wear something sexy.
(b) He tells her to wear something smart.
(c) He tells her to wear something business-like.
(d) He tells her to wear something warm.

14. In Chapter 9, why are Vivian and Malcolm amused by the man seated next to them at the restaurant?
(a) He is rude to the waitstaff, but then he spills wine on himself.
(b) He asks for very spicy food, but when it comes, it is unbearable for him to eat.
(c) All he talks about is his dog.
(d) His date is so exasperated by him, she leaves.

15. In Chapter 9, what is Malcolm irritated about when he goes to Vivian's hotel to meet her?
(a) She is carrying many bags when she comes to meet him and they will not all fit in her car.
(b) She has already eaten lunch and he wanted them to eat together.
(c) She is dressed all wrong for the weather.
(d) She is a bit late meeting him in the lobby.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 9, how does Malcolm's sister Sarah feel about Malcolm's attempts to reason with Miles?

2. In Chapter 8, what does Malcolm bring for Miles that he knows his nephew likes?

3. In Chapter 11, what particular piece is Vivian very taken with at the museum?

4. What does Vivian find in the minibar in Chapter 10 that she and Malcolm use their first night together?

5. In Chapter 10, what does Malcolm have scheduled for Vivian in the morning of their second day together?

(see the answer keys)

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