Royal Assassin Test | Final Test - Hard

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Royal Assassin Test | Final Test - Hard

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has sent Fitz a letter?

2. Where is Fitz summoned the day after he visited the king?

3. Who does Fitz accidentally skill?

4. What happens to Kettricken?

5. What does Burrich leave with Fitz?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Verity has been gone for a while what message does Regal receive? How does Regal respond to the message?

2. What happens the next time Fitz sees Molly after making a decision based on what Patience told him? Do you think it would be strange to know someone is watching through your eyes when with your girlfriend?

3. How does Fitz realize the king has a disease? Do you think this might have made him feel better about the way the king has been acting?

4. How does Regal obtain more money for his use? What does this tell you about Regal's character?

5. What does Fitz finally figure out is the reason he has been feeling so weak? What does he do about it and what are the repercussions?

6. Who does Regal produce to be witnesses against Fitz and how does he know them?

7. What kind of shape is Fitz in when he wakes up in the dungeon? Who comes to see him? What is he told?

8. In Chapter 25 who intercepts Kettricken and the others on the way back from the battle and why?

9. What happens to Fitz as the result of being the go between for Verity and Shrewd to communicate?

10. What does Regal do when Kettricken and the others arrive back at the palace? What do you think he really means to do?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Fitz cannot seem to resist Molly. One would think it was "true love" yet he is told he may not marry her.

1. How would you react if you were told at a very early age who you would marry? Would you be willing to obey your parents knowing that there is very little future for an unmarried woman.

2. Even though women have been controlled as far as marriage for centuries, some men are just as "stuck" with an unwanted marriage partner as a women--these are usually nobles who must marry to keep or raise the standing of their families. If you are a man and are told who you would marry and you found that person quite unacceptable, would you give up money and position to defy your parents?

3. Why do you think forced marriages are occurring less and less often even in countries where woman are still quite oppressed?

Essay Topic 2

In ROYAL ASSASSIN, there seems to be more individuals/groups who are not trustworthy than are: Discuss one of the following:

1. Name two groups/factions/individuals who are untrustworthy and analyze their actions and impact upon the plot throughout Royal Assassin.

2. Name two groups/factions/individuals who are trustworthy and analyze their actions and impact upon the plot throughout Royal Assassin.

3. Who do you think Fitz trusts in this book and is his trust well founded? Who does he mistrust and why? Give specific examples.

Essay Topic 3

Fitz begins to bond with Nighteyes and the reader will see him give in to the desires that are so strong in that area. There appears to be little Fritz doesn't give into regardless of the warnings, as Burrich will point out later in the story.

1. Discuss the desires Fitz gives into so far in the story. Use examples from the book to support your answer.

2. Discuss Fitz's character in terms of will power and strength. On one hand he seems to have a great deal of will and courage, on the other he seems to be weak.

3. Fitz seems to be acting like most teenagers and ignoring his father figure's advice. Discuss some of his behaviors and whether you think Fitz would handle his situations differently and how, if he were older.

(see the answer keys)

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