Royal Assassin Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Royal Assassin Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Burrich demand to see?
(a) The king.
(b) The Fool.
(c) Regal.
(d) Kettricken.

2. In Chapter 19 a rider arrives from Ferry to bring what to the palace?
(a) News of a great victory over the Red ships.
(b) Fresh troops.
(c) A message.
(d) The yearly tithe.

3. What happens when Fitz goes to tell the king of the red ships attacking?
(a) Regal embraces Fitz and thanks him for the information.
(b) Regal has Fitz attacked by guards.
(c) Regal laughs and says it is impossible.
(d) The King orders Fitz to be placed in the dungeon.

4. What does Fitz do about his feelings for Kettricken?
(a) Tells her how he feels.
(b) Becomes very formal with her.
(c) Tells Verity to quit thinking about Kettricken in his head.
(d) Avoids her.

5. What do Fitz and Burrich decide to do?
(a) Ask King Shrewd to use the skill to verify the information Kettricken receives.
(b) Blackmail Regal.
(c) Go in search of Verity.
(d) Assassinate Regal.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the king say Regal's spies have uncovered?

2. Who has made the herbs that are stealing the king's mind?

3. What does Fitz decide to do after his conversation with Patience about Molly?

4. What does Kettricken ask Fitz about when he visits her?

5. What does Regal do about the rider from Ferry?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Verity has been gone for a while what message does Regal receive? How does Regal respond to the message?

2. What does Verity have Fitz do in the map room? What does Fitz discover there?

3. What does Duke Brawndy tell Fitz and how does he respond? How does Chade feel about Fitz's response?

4. What is the deal the dukes strike with Regal concerning Fitz?

5. What happens the next time Fitz sees Molly after making a decision based on what Patience told him? Do you think it would be strange to know someone is watching through your eyes when with your girlfriend?

6. In Chapter 18, what does Patience tell Fitz about Molly and what does he decide? Do you think it should be his decision alone?

7. What does Burrich demand when he arrives back at Buckkeep from being with Verity?

8. Who does Fitz find in his room in Chapter 23, what does he do, and what does Molly come and tell him?

9. What does Regal do when Kettricken and the others arrive back at the palace? What do you think he really means to do?

10. What does Regal do to Fitz to try and make him confess to using the Wit?

(see the answer keys)

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