Royal Assassin Test | Final Test - Easy

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Royal Assassin Test | Final Test - Easy

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Regal say he will kill as traitors to the throne?
(a) Chade and the Fool only.
(b) Molly only.
(c) Everyone Fitz cares for.
(d) Only Kettricken.

2. How do they get Regal and his servant out of King Shrewd's bedroom?
(a) By Kettricken pretending to be badly hurt.
(b) By tell Regal Verity is riding through the gates.
(c) By having Regal's mother ask for his presence.
(d) By sounding a false attack alarm.

3. What does Shrewd tell Fitz about the letter?
(a) It is written in a language Fitz can't read.
(b) It has poison on it.
(c) He can tear it up.
(d) He must write her a response.

4. Why does Fitz take Burrich back to his room?
(a) To tend to Burrich's leg.
(b) To offer his services as an assassin to Burrich.
(c) To question Burrich more closely.
(d) To punish Burrich for deserting the prince.

5. What do the Dukes offer Fitz?
(a) A new identity.
(b) Death by hanging or burning.
(c) Exile for ten years.
(d) Either death or ruling at Buckkeep.

6. Who plans an escape for the King and Kettricken?
(a) Fitz alone.
(b) Fitz and Regal.
(c) Fitz and Burrich.
(d) Fitz and Chade.

7. What does Kettricken ask Fitz about when he visits her?
(a) The Elderlings.
(b) Regal.
(c) King Shrewd's illness.
(d) Molly.

8. What does the letter handed to Kettricken say?
(a) That Regal is dead.
(b) That Verity is dead.
(c) That Kettricken's father has been killed.
(d) That Kettricken is under arrest for treason.

9. Molly tells Fitz which two people had been in love but didn't marry?
(a) Molly and the Fool.
(b) Patience and Burrich.
(c) Regal and Celerity.
(d) Kettricken and Shrewd.

10. From whom does Kettricken receive messages?
(a) Several Dukes.
(b) Verity.
(c) Duke Brawndy.
(d) Burrich.

11. Who does Regal produce to testify against Fitz?
(a) A small girl.
(b) King Shrewd.
(c) Himself.
(d) Chade.

12. What does Burrich leave with Fitz?
(a) A sword.
(b) A knife.
(c) A letter.
(d) A potion.

13. With whom does Fitz connect through the skill?
(a) Duke Brawndy.
(b) King Shrewd.
(c) Kettricken.
(d) Verity.

14. Who has made the herbs that are stealing the king's mind?
(a) Will.
(b) Chade.
(c) Regal.
(d) Burrich.

15. What does Shrewd realize when Fitz goes to see him?
(a) That Verity is with Fitz.
(b) That Fitz should be the next king.
(c) That Fitz has been helping Kettricken.
(d) That Fitz still loves Molly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who enters Fitz's room while he is recovering from seeing the king?

2. Why does Burrich decide to stand outside Kettricken's door?

3. What does Fitz tell Molly about?

4. What does Fitz decide to do after his conversation with Patience about Molly?

5. What does Kettricken do with Duke Brawndy?

(see the answer keys)

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