The Rover Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Rover Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Blunt won't let them in, how do his friends enter the house?
(a) They use Belvile's key.
(b) Blunt invites them in.
(c) They break down the door.
(d) Blunt asks them to use the back door.

2. What happens when Willmore challenges Antonio to a duel?
(a) They fight and Antonio is wounded.
(b) Angellica steps in and stops them.
(c) Antonio laughs in his face.
(d) They fight and Willmore is wounded.

3. Why do soldiers of the town arrest Belvile?
(a) They catch him attacking Angellica.
(b) They assume he is the man who assulted Willmore.
(c) They catch him stealing from Antonio.
(d) They assume he is the man who assulted Antonio.

4. What would be worse torture to Belvile than being imprisoned by Antonio?
(a) Losing Valeria.
(b) Losing Florinda.
(c) Losing his fortune.
(d) Marrying Florinda.

5. Whose honor does Belvile believe Antonio is defending in the duel with Pedro?
(a) Hellena.
(b) Angellica.
(c) Florinda.
(d) Valeria.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Act 4, Scene 2, what aspect of "the boy's" story causes Angellica and Willmore to argue?

2. Who does the servant mistakenly think is Wilmore's love-interest after he sees a young woman with the unfaithful Englishman?

3. Who besides Willmore determines he also has an appointment with Angellica for which he has paid her fee?

4. Who does Florinda think is following her at the beginning of Scene 4 in Act 4?

5. What happens when Willmore comes in with Frederic and sees Belvile with Pedro and Florinda after the duel?

(see the answer keys)

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