The Rover Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Rover Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Hellena flirt with as they approach the carnival?
(a) Ned Blunt.
(b) Captain Belvile.
(c) Frederic.
(d) Captain Willmore.

2. In Angellica's bedchamber, what kind of "mask" is she showing Willmore?
(a) The mask of a flirting maiden.
(b) The mask of a hard-hearted business woman.
(c) The mask of a lover.
(d) The mask of a warrior.

3. Why isn't Phillippo jealous of Lucetta flirting with Blunt?
(a) Phillippo doesn't care about Lucetta.
(b) Although Blunt has money, he is a complete fool.
(c) Although Blunt has money, he is very ugly.
(d) Phillippo knows he will kill Blunt anyway.

4. What comment does Pedro make as his servant tells him that Florinda is safe after the attack in the garden?
(a) Masquerading is a disgusting custom, leading to debauchery.
(b) He will get his final revenge on these men.
(c) Drinking and fighting are disgusting habits, leading to debauchery.
(d) Masquerading is a great custom, leading to interesting encounters.

5. As they are flirting with each other out on the street, how does Florinda reveal her true identity to Belvile?
(a) Florinda gives Belvile a kiss and then leaves.
(b) Florinda gives Belvile a picture of herself and then leaves.
(c) Florinda gives Belvile a good kick and then leaves.
(d) Florinda gives Belvile back the ring he gave her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Angellica reveal in an aside to the audience as Willmore attempts to seduce her?

2. At the beginning of the play, who has been banished, penniless from his homeland?

3. Even though she is angry with Willmore, what does Hellena realize about him as he tries to explain where he has been?

4. Which one of the following characters is NOT interested in marrying Florinda?

5. Who is Florinda waiting for in the beginning of Act 3, Scene 5?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why doesn't Florinda want to marry Don Antonio?

2. What happens when Willmore tries to make a joke to Belvile about his attack on Florinda?

3. What does removing the mask of the hardened business woman reveal about Angellica?

4. Does Moretta wear any kind of a mask?

5. What is a farce?

6. What is the problem with Belvile's desire to confront Antonio before he marries Florinda?

7. Why does Angellica want to get revenge on Willmore?

8. Why does Florinda rush in and try to stop the duel between Pedro and Belvile?

9. What does Willmore tell Angellica when she asks him to promise not to marry another woman?

10. Does Hellena seem well suited to become a nun? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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