The Rover Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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The Rover Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 4, Scene 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What effect does tricking Blunt have on Phillippo?
(a) He becomes aroused, and takes Lucetta to bed.
(b) He become greedy and looks for other victims.
(c) He becomes angry and beats Lucetta.
(d) He becomes aroused, and takes Angellica to bed.

2. Why does Florinda assume the duel is between Pedro and Belvile?
(a) Florinda recognizes his sword.
(b) The servant tells her they are fighting over her.
(c) The servant reveals his hair color.
(d) Florinda hears his voice.

3. How does Hellena intend to get into the carnival?
(a) By paying double the entrance fee.
(b) By sneaking into a back gate.
(c) By dressing to look like her sister.
(d) By wearing a disguise.

4. What does Belvile suddenly remember as he and Willmore walk towards Angellica's in Act 3?
(a) He is supposed to leave tomorrow.
(b) Florinda is supposed to marry Antonio tomorrow.
(c) He is late for meeting Florinda.
(d) He is late for his appointment with Angellica.

5. What does Florinda intend to do at the carnival?
(a) Give a note to Captain Belvile.
(b) Dance all night.
(c) Kiss her future husband.
(d) Run away.

Short Answer Questions

1. After stepping out of sight of the approaching Englishmen in the beginning of Act 3, what does Hellena overhear Willmore telling his friends?

2. The Rover contrasts what two things?

3. What is the general attitude of men toward women in the scene at the beginning of the carnival?

4. What little thing do Willmore and Antonio duel over in Act 2?

5. Florinda can't stand which of her possible suitors?

(see the answer key)

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