The Rover Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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The Rover Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 4, Scene 2, Part 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Antonio accuse Belvile of doing as he mistakes him for Willmore, who has already left the scene?
(a) Attacking Angellica.
(b) Attacking him once.
(c) Attacking him twice.
(d) Robbing him.

2. What does Florinda bring with her to the garden?
(a) Everything she owns.
(b) A case of jewelry.
(c) A key to the gate.
(d) A case of clothes.

3. Why is Florinda's servant unable to tell her who Pedro is about to confront for the duel?
(a) Both men are wearing masks.
(b) Both men have their backs to the servant.
(c) The servant doesn't want to alarm her.
(d) The servant has been sworn to secrecy.

4. What is Belvile's opinion of destiny as he finds himself a hopeless prisoner at Antonio's mercy?
(a) Destiny can be controlled.
(b) Destiny seems to be working against him.
(c) Destiny has favored him.
(d) He doesn't believe in destiny.

5. The three couples in The Rover will struggle in what way?
(a) To live the way they want instead of what society wants.
(b) To have children.
(c) To move to America.
(d) To live well beyond their means.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the important symbol that appears as the characters head to the carnival?

2. Just as Don Pedro appears at the carnival, what does Florinda give Belvile?

3. What are Frederic and Ned Blunt teasing Captain Belvile about in the beginning of Act 1, Scene 2?

4. How does Belvile react to Willmore's attack on Florinda?

5. What does Hellena intend to find at the carnival?

(see the answer key)

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