The Rover Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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The Rover Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 3, Scene 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What comment does Pedro make as his servant tells him that Florinda is safe after the attack in the garden?
(a) He will get his final revenge on these men.
(b) Drinking and fighting are disgusting habits, leading to debauchery.
(c) Masquerading is a disgusting custom, leading to debauchery.
(d) Masquerading is a great custom, leading to interesting encounters.

2. What kind of "mask" is Hellena showing to Willmore as she catches him coming out of Angellica's house?
(a) Hellena puts on a mask of a nun as she pretends to be falling for him.
(b) Hellena puts on a mask of a true lover as she pretends to be falling for him.
(c) Hellena puts on a mask of indifference as she pretends not to be falling for him.
(d) Hellena puts on a mask of hatred as she pretends not to be falling for him.

3. Angellica allows which man to come inside her house without charge, something she rarely does?
(a) Antonio.
(b) Willmore.
(c) Pedro.
(d) Blunt.

4. What does Blunt dread the most about his unfortunate incident with Lucetta and her accomplices?
(a) He dreads losing Lucetta.
(b) He dreads having no money.
(c) He dreads being hungry and poor.
(d) He dreads his friends finding out.

5. What kind of "mask" does Willmore show Angellica in their first meeting?
(a) The mask of the kind brother.
(b) The mask of the rich soldier.
(c) The mask of the truthful cusader.
(d) The mask of the poor warrior.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the women's attitudes toward the men in Act 1, Scene 2?

2. Who saves Florinda from Willmore when he is attacking her in Act 3, Scene 5?

3. Where do Florinda and Belvile make arrangements to meet when they see each other at the carnival?

4. Which suitor does Florinda's father hope she will marry?

5. According to Blunt, what kind of things could Lucetta teach the prostitutes of England?

(see the answer key)

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