The Rover Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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The Rover Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 2, Scene 1.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the playwright, the audience comes to see The Rover for what reason?
(a) To be moved by the beautiful acting.
(b) To see the skimpy costumes.
(c) The witty comments they will be able to make after the play.
(d) The amazing acrobatics they will see.

2. Which suitor does Florinda's brother Pedro hope she will marry?
(a) Captain Belvile.
(b) Ned Blunt.
(c) Don Vicentio.
(d) Don Antonio.

3. At the beginning of the play, who has been banished, penniless from his homeland?
(a) Captain Belvile.
(b) Don Vicentio.
(c) Don Antonio.
(d) Don Pedro.

4. Why doesn't the playwright want to say anything to welcome the audience?
(a) He says they should all go home.
(b) He says it doesn't matter.
(c) He says the audience didn't pay to get in.
(d) He says the play is bad.

5. Why is the playwright speaking in the prologue as a man?
(a) The audience is deaf.
(b) The audience prefers a male playwright over a female.
(c) The play was written by a man.
(d) The audience is always just men.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Behn choose to have a male playwright to speak in the Prologue?

2. Florinda is in love with which of the following characters?

3. What are Frederic and Ned Blunt teasing Captain Belvile about in the beginning of Act 1, Scene 2?

4. The three couples in The Rover will struggle in what way?

5. In teasing his friend as they go to the carnival, Captain Belvile refers to Willmore as what?

(see the answer key)

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