The Rover Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

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The Rover Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 1, Scene 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't the playwright want to say anything to welcome the audience?
(a) He says the audience didn't pay to get in.
(b) He says they should all go home.
(c) He says the play is bad.
(d) He says it doesn't matter.

2. How does Hellena intend to get into the carnival?
(a) By wearing a disguise.
(b) By sneaking into a back gate.
(c) By dressing to look like her sister.
(d) By paying double the entrance fee.

3. The Rover contrasts what two things?
(a) Good versus evil.
(b) What the characters say versus how they actually feel.
(c) How the characters act versus others' acting ability.
(d) The Montagues and the Capulets

4. Which suitor does Florinda's brother Pedro hope she will marry?
(a) Captain Belvile.
(b) Don Vicentio.
(c) Don Antonio.
(d) Ned Blunt.

5. Many of the characters behave according to what standard?
(a) The king's commands.
(b) The rules of the land.
(c) The rules of the church.
(d) What they want to believe instead of what is actually in front of them.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Blunt walks away from the carnival to follow Lucetta, what do his friends comment about him?

2. Just as Don Pedro appears at the carnival, what does Florinda give Belvile?

3. The Rover was first performed on stage in what year?

4. How do the men of the family treat Hellena and Florinda?

5. As Pedro leaves the first scene, what does he tell the maid Callis to do?

(see the answer key)

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