The Rover Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

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The Rover Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 2, Scene 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Angellica's servant?
(a) Phillipo.
(b) Frederic.
(c) Sancho.
(d) Moretta.

2. Which suitor does Florinda's brother Pedro hope she will marry?
(a) Ned Blunt.
(b) Don Vicentio.
(c) Don Antonio.
(d) Captain Belvile.

3. Many of the characters behave according to what standard?
(a) The rules of the land.
(b) The king's commands.
(c) The rules of the church.
(d) What they want to believe instead of what is actually in front of them.

4. Why can't Willmore believe Angellica is being sincere in her offer to be with him without payment?
(a) He has heard her lies before.
(b) She is a known liar.
(c) He has been cheated too many times.
(d) He loves her too much.

5. What in particular do Belvile, Willmore, and the others find objectionable about Antonio?
(a) His lack of cooperation.
(b) His stinginess.
(c) His bad temper.
(d) His generosity.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Angellica's bedchamber, what kind of "mask" is she showing Willmore?

2. What does Hellena intend to find at the carnival?

3. Why is the playwright speaking in the prologue as a man?

4. At the beginning of Act 2, Scene 1, how does Belvile know that it is not possible for Willmore to approach Angellica yet?

5. How does Hellena intend to get into the carnival?

(see the answer key)

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