The Rose Tattoo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rose Tattoo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Rosa say she has broken the piggy bank?
(a) She wants to destroy the house.
(b) She wants to upset her mother.
(c) She needs money.
(d) She needs to get out her anger.

2. What did Rosa recite on stage?
(a) A passge from the bible.
(b) A story.
(c) A poem.
(d) A speech.

3. What does Serafina say it means when she feels the burn of a rose in her chest?
(a) She has conceived.
(b) She is getting married.
(c) She is in love.
(d) She is going to move away.

4. What has Serafina spilled on her night dress?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Beer.
(c) Wine.
(d) Gravy.

5. Who does Serafina say Alvaro reminded her of?
(a) Her father.
(b) Frank Sinatra.
(c) Rosario.
(d) Father de Leo.

6. Who is the next person to visit Serafina?
(a) Estelle.
(b) The mayor.
(c) Jack.
(d) A salesman.

7. What does Rosa tell Jack she is old enough to do?
(a) Love him.
(b) Marry him.
(c) Run away with him.
(d) Start a new life.

8. Who does Alvaro say works at the Square Roof?
(a) Estelle.
(b) Rosa.
(c) Jack.
(d) Assunta.

9. What does Serafina treat Alvaro like?
(a) A rapist.
(b) A stranger.
(c) A husband.
(d) A criminal.

10. What does Alvaro's hair smell of?
(a) Sweat.
(b) Petrol.
(c) Rose oil.
(d) Olive oil.

11. What is Rosa making plans to do?
(a) Go on holiday.
(b) Find some drugs.
(c) Go to a concert.
(d) Go on a picnic.

12. What does Serafina want Alvaro to return to the house without?
(a) His tattoo.
(b) His pants.
(c) His truck.
(d) His glasses.

13. What kind of eyes does Alvaro say Serafina has?
(a) Loving eyes.
(b) Sincere eyes.
(c) Thankless eyes.
(d) Kind eyes.

14. What does Serafina throw against the wall?
(a) Rosario's urn.
(b) The television set.
(c) A vase.
(d) A knife.

15. What has happened to Rosario's ashes?
(a) The cat has eaten them.
(b) They have fallen under the floorboards.
(c) Rosa has stolen them.
(d) The wind has blown them away.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Serafina say a woman can be strong like?

2. What has Jack stopped doing?

3. Where did Rosa run to when Jack told her she was beautiful?

4. Why does Serafina leave the house?

5. What does Father de Leo say Serafina broke the rules of?

(see the answer keys)

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