Roses Are Red Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Roses Are Red Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Traces of what were found in the farmhouse sink?
(a) Blood.
(b) Chewing-tobacco saliva.
(c) Hair dye.
(d) Theatrical makeup.

2. Where is Christine's apartment?
(a) Rosslyn.
(b) Arlington.
(c) Mitchellville.
(d) Potomac.

3. What does Cross realize about Cavalierre as they become closer?
(a) That she is fun to be with.
(b) That she really doesn't believe in her job.
(c) That she can't mix work and pleasure.
(d) That she might be the Mastermind.

4. What kind of kite does Cross get out of the tree that was stuck up there when Jannie went into the hospital?
(a) "American Idol."
(b) "Batman and Robin."
(c) "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."
(d) "Powerpuff Girls."

5. Where does the prime suspect sign out to go to when he leaves the grounds?
(a) To walk his dog.
(b) To visit his grandmother at St. Anthony's.
(c) To get fast food.
(d) Physical therapy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do people call the East Capitol Dwellings?

2. What type of gun does the armed, masked man point at the bus passengers?

3. Where does Cavalierre take Cross in her Saab when she picks him up from his house?

4. Whom does the Mastermind kill in Chapter 91?

5. Who is Dr. Bernard Francis?

Short Essay Questions

1. Has Cavalierre been married before and does she have any kids?

2. How is Mitchell Brand classified by the team about to raid his apartment? Why?

3. What is significant about the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel? Who worked on the renovation of the hotel in 1992?

4. O'Malley and Crews, two of the potential bank robbers, know exactly what is going on at the meeting with the Mastermind. How? What happens at the end of the meeting?

5. How does Alex act when he sees his psychiatrist, Adele Finally, at church? Is she effective at counseling him?

6. Is Cavalierre in Washington, D.C., when the FBI finds Agent Walsh dead? Does Cavalierre believe that Agent Walsh killed himself? Why or why not?

7. How does the Mastermind decide to "top" himself in Hartford? Why?

8. What does the Indian cab driver say when Cross flashes his detective's badge and jumps in while chasing Szabo? How does Szabo act when he gets out of his cab and starts walking down the street?

9. Why does it seem like Szabo would be a perfect fit for the First Union robbery? How does the job he had there fit with his mental disorder?

10. What continues in the neighborhood where Mitchell Brand lives, despite the police presence? How do the police know this?

(see the answer keys)

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