Roses Are Red Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Roses Are Red Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Cross see his psychiatrist?
(a) At church.
(b) At a bistro.
(c) At the grocery store.
(d) At the mall.

2. Who is Kathleen McGuigan?
(a) The nurse who calls Dr. Francis.
(b) The court-apppointed lawyer for Szabo.
(c) The lady in the pool with Dr. Francis.
(d) Christine's sister.

3. How does Cross indicate the suspects on the chalkboard for rounds check?
(a) With a slightly bolder mark by their names.
(b) With a star by their names.
(c) He underlines a letter in their names.
(d) By putting a dot in the middle of a letter in their names.

4. What does Francis do in the condominium parking lot after jumping five stories into the swimming pool and running from Cross and Cavalierre?
(a) He poisons himself.
(b) He keys Cross' car.
(c) He pepper sprays Cavalierre in the face.
(d) He calls Johns Hopkins to check on his application.

5. Who is Cross' psychiatrist?
(a) Adele Finally.
(b) Dr. Petito.
(c) Andrea Finale.
(d) Felicia Holmes.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Cross returns from New York, what movie does he take his family to see?

2. Where is Washington, D.C., in the rankings of the safest U.S. cities in which to raise children, according to The Washington Post?

3. From where does the chartered tour bus leave?

4. What does Christine do with baby Alex in Chapter 49?

5. What does Cross realize about Cavalierre as they become closer?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Sampson alert Cross after the second night of surveillance of the MetroHartford kidnapping? Why does Cross "see red" when Sampson alerts him about the bust going down on Mitchell Brand?

2. Who is Patrick Lee? Why is Szabo so mad at him?

3. What does Cross call Christine's apartment and garden in Mitchellville? What does Christine's garden remind Cross of?

4. What is Szabo's main problem with Cross' breaking into his apartment? What happens in the apartment?

5. Why does Cross turn Cavalierre down for a drink a second time? Does she feel rejected by this?

6. Is Cavalierre in Washington, D.C., when the FBI finds Agent Walsh dead? Does Cavalierre believe that Agent Walsh killed himself? Why or why not?

7. Of what caliber is the new crew the Mastermind is interviewing for his next robbery after killing the crew with Mr. Blue, Ms. Green, Mr. Red and Mr. White? How does he entice them to do his work for him?

8. How does Alex act when he sees his psychiatrist, Adele Finally, at church? Is she effective at counseling him?

9. Why does it seem like Szabo would be a perfect fit for the First Union robbery? How does the job he had there fit with his mental disorder?

10. What does the Indian cab driver say when Cross flashes his detective's badge and jumps in while chasing Szabo? How does Szabo act when he gets out of his cab and starts walking down the street?

(see the answer keys)

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