Roses Are Red Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Roses Are Red Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Christine?
(a) A friend of the family.
(b) Alex's girlfriend.
(c) Alex's sister.
(d) Alex's wife.

2. What time does Mrs. Casselman leave the house in the morning that gets Mr. Blue so mad?
(a) 8:00.
(b) 8:15.
(c) 6:45.
(d) 7:40.

3. Who is Sandy Greenberg?
(a) An ex-girlfriend of the Mastermind.
(b) An FBI agent in charge of special ops.
(c) A friend of Cross' from Interpol.
(d) Cross' college roommate.

4. What condition is the nanny in when she is murdered?
(a) She has a brain tumor.
(b) She has multiple sclerosis.
(c) She had a seizure.
(d) She is pregnant.

5. How do Brianne and Errol die?
(a) They are poisoned with Anectine.
(b) They are shot execution-style.
(c) They are poisoned with arsenic.
(d) Their throats are slit.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which movie does Darryl refer to at the end of Chapter 12?

2. Where does the fourth robbery, the Chase Manhattan Bank robbery, take place?

3. Who is Lucy Rhys-Cousins' suspected killer?

4. What kind of pets did the person who shot himself have?

5. What is Jannie doing when Cross finally arrives at the hospital after studying the crime scene of the third robbery?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Cross confused when he describes the case to Kyle Craig? How does Craig explain what Cross is confused about?

2. Where is Jannie's tumor located and is it serious?

3. Why is Mr. Blue mad at the Chase Manhattan bank manager's wife, Victoria Casselman? What does he do to her?

4. How did it look to Cross and Sampson that the Mastermind killed the Parkers? Why kill them that way?

5. Does the villain think that calling himself the Mastermind makes him seem powerful? Why does he pick the name?

6. From whom do the banks in the book generally receive hate mail? What does Cross do to investigate hate mail related to the robberies?

7. Describe how Cross feels about Christine. Why does Christine act distantly toward Cross?

8. Why does the Mastermind have Brianne and Errol do his dirty work instead of committing the horrible deeds himself?

9. What is interesting about the criminal records of the members of the crew the Mastermind hires to rob First Union Bank for him?

10. What are Damon and Jannie doing when Jannie falls down? Did he mean to hurt Jannie?

(see the answer keys)

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