Rosaura a Las Diez Test | Final Test - Medium

Marco Denevi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rosaura a Las Diez Test | Final Test - Medium

Marco Denevi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rosaura remember from many weekends over the past five years?
(a) Music.
(b) Courses in horticulture.
(c) Museum visits.
(d) Work.

2. Which of the following best characterizes Mrs. Milagros' attitude about Rosaura?
(a) She is simply adjusting to a new life, and should be shown great respect.
(b) She is odd.
(c) She is beautiful and must be brave.
(d) She is ugly and has acted rude.

3. From whom does Mrs. Milagros hide Rosaura?
(a) Clotilda.
(b) Reguel.
(c) The police.
(d) The maid.

4. How does the vocabulary in Part II, Chapter 11, differ from earlier chapters?
(a) It is vulgar.
(b) It is far more elaborate.
(c) It is more submissive.
(d) It is uneducated.

5. How old is Rosaura?
(a) 16.
(b) 25.
(c) 18.
(d) 30.

Short Answer Questions

1. What role does the investigator play in Part II, Chapter 11?

2. Who narrates Part II, Chapter 11?

3. How long ago does Mrs. Milagros claim that the wedding took place?

4. Who joins Mrs. Milagros to the door to greet Rosaura in Part I, Chapter 8?

5. What detail of Camilo's story causes Eufrasia to doubt its veracity?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Rosaura respond to Mrs. Milagros' questioning, and how does this make Mrs. Milagros feel?

2. How does Eufrasia describe the day of the fight that Mrs. Milagros and David Reguel also testify about?

3. How does Eufrasia claim that the boarding house maid reacts to Camilo's wedding?

4. Why do the police show up at the boarding house? How does Mrs. Milagros deal with the intrusion?

5. How does Camilo's idealized mental version of Rosaura compare to who she is in reality?

6. How does Rosaura first come to the boarding house? How is she greeted?

7. What clues are there in Part I, Chapter 9 that Camilo and Rosa's relationship is not what it seems?

8. In Part IV, how does Eufrasia describe knowing that something was not quite right in Camilo's description of his relationship with Rosaura?

9. How does Camilo describe his process as a painter? How did he paint Mrs. Milagros and her daughters?

10. Why do Mrs. Milagros' daughters take an interest in Rosaura's identification?

(see the answer keys)

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