Roots Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Roots Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the elders say is the advantage the toubob have over the tribes of Africans?
(a) That he lies and cheats naturally.
(b) That he has money to buy what he wants.
(c) That he comes in great numbers.
(d) That the tribes don't band together against him.

2. What is Kunta wearing when he wakes after his attack?
(a) White man's clothing
(b) Only a loincloth
(c) Nothing
(d) His own bloodied clothes

3. How does Luther aid in the attempted escape of a house girl?
(a) Gives her food
(b) Throws the hounds off her scent
(c) Hides her in the barn
(d) Draws her a map

4. What does Fiddler say happened to his previous master?
(a) He was shot in a brawl.
(b) His wife killed him.
(c) He was killed by Indians.
(d) He drowned.

5. Kunta's daydreams of _________ whenever he finds himself alone with his goats to tend
(a) An angry elephant
(b) A wounded buffalo
(c) A wildebeast
(d) A mighty lion

Short Answer Questions

1. What item is bestowed on Kunta by Omoro to mark his next step into manhood at age twelve?

2. What is Kunta's punishment upon his capture?

3. How do the people of Juffure learn that there are ferocious wrestlers on their way to the village?

4. What do the men of the village give the "magic man" when he arrives at Jeffure?

5. Why do the people of Kunta's village protect owls?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the issue brought to the council by the young girl named Jankeh Jallon?

2. How is the size of growing plots determined?

3. What is George's idea about freedom and how does he expect Tom to help?

4. When George hears that there has been a threat of an uprising that resulted in an order for blacks to remain in their cabins at his plantation, what is his reaction and what does he eventually realize about that reaction?

5. What are Kunta's thoughts when he sees the toubob women?

6. How do all the stories of Nyo Boto begin?

7. How do Kunta's friends act upon his return?

8. How does it come about that Kunta realizes he is now thirty-four rains in age?

9. What does Kunta learn to be the cause of the brown man's broken arm?

10. With the many traders who stop at Juffure, why do some pass without stopping?

(see the answer keys)

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