Roots Test | Final Test - Easy

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Roots Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Missy Anne do to help while Kunta is ill?
(a) She carries soup to the slave huts.
(b) She takes over some of the cooking.
(c) She reads from the Bible.
(d) She travels with her uncle as his assistant.

2. What is it that Tom Lea says changed his life?
(a) A sermon
(b) His wife's faith in him
(c) The pain of always being hungry
(d) Watching his father beat his mother

3. Why does Kunta take the seasoned block of wood back to this hut?
(a) To sit on
(b) To prop his table on
(c) To carve
(d) To use for firewood

4. What is the name given to George and Matilda's fourth son?
(a) Kunta
(b) George
(c) Tom
(d) Toby

5. What does Kunta learn had been the old gardener's name?
(a) Stephan
(b) Greeson
(c) Toby
(d) Josephus

6. What is the highest amount offered to the master for George?
(a) Four hundred dollars
(b) Four thousand dollars
(c) Three hundred dollars
(d) Three thousand dollars

7. What is the gift Kunta gives Bell?
(a) A carved totem
(b) A large bowl
(c) A mortar and pestle
(d) A basket of flowers

8. What is the name of the master's niece of whom he is overly fond?
(a) Belinda
(b) Janet
(c) Margaret
(d) Anne

9. What does Kizzy learn will keep her new master busy for several days, thereby saving her from being raped again for that length of time?
(a) He has gone to buy another slave.
(b) His wife is demanding his attention.
(c) He has gone to a chicken fight.
(d) His daughter is visiting.

10. Who has the biggest cabin among the slave quarters?
(a) Anne
(b) Fiddler
(c) Kunta
(d) Bell

11. Who is the first person George sees upon his return to the Lea farm?
(a) Kizzy
(b) Matilda
(c) Miss Malizy
(d) Tom Lea

12. Where does the author become a journalist?
(a) In Chicago
(b) In the military
(c) In Tennessee
(d) In Japan

13. How old is the author when his grandfather dies?
(a) Five
(b) Fifteen
(c) Seven
(d) Seventeen

14. What is the outcome of the overseer's wife's pregnancy?
(a) She gives birth to a boy who dies.
(b) She dies.
(c) She gives birth to a girl who dies.
(d) She gives birth to twins and one dies.

15. What does Bell say she discovered about the slaves if their master dies without a wife?
(a) That his niece will inherit them.
(b) That they will be sold with the plantation.
(c) That they will be given to his brother.
(d) That they will be freed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Kunta feel uneasy about Missy Anne's teaching Kizzy the letters of the alphabet?

2. Who is the first person George encounters upon arriving at the plantation where his family now lives?

3. What does Master William say are a man's two best investments?

4. What happens that Will Palmer has the opportunity to take over the lumber mill?

5. What is the fear spreading among the slaves and that Kunta and Fiddler try to keep to themselves?

(see the answer keys)

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