Romeo and Juliet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Romeo and Juliet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Juliet will not speak badly about Romeo even after he kills Tybalt because _________________.
(a) He is her husband.
(b) She does not believe the nurse.
(c) He would be angry if he found out.
(d) She knows Tybalt probably instigated the violence.

2. In Act 4, Scene 2, Capulet hopes the friar was able to do what?
(a) Give Juliet a potion to help her sleep.
(b) Influence Juliet to become a nun.
(c) Warn Juliet that she will be disowned by her parents.
(d) Influence Juliet to marry Paris.

3. In Act 4, Scnee 2, Juliet apologizes to her parents for ________________.
(a) Her pride.
(b) Her disobedience.
(c) Marrying Romeo.
(d) Talking back to them.

4. What does Lady Capulet plan to speak to Juliet about in the morning?
(a) Juliet's love for Romeo.
(b) Juliet's upcoming marriage to Paris.
(c) Juliet's love for Paris.
(d) Juliet's divorce from Romeo.

5. Why is Juliet ready to go to church, but "never to return"?
(a) Because she will go to church for her funeral, but never come home.
(b) Because she will leave Verona for Mantua soon.
(c) Because she is still angry with Capulet, and will not return home with him.
(d) Because she will live with Paris after the wedding.

6. The nurse tells Capulet to go to bed so that ______________.
(a) He will not be sick for the wedding day.
(b) He will not be so angry in the morning.
(c) He will not find out what Juliet is up to.
(d) He will get out of everyone's way.

7. Who gave the letter to Romeo explaining about Juliet?
(a) Friar Laurence delivered the letter.
(b) No one was able to deliver the letter.
(c) Balthasar delivered the letter.
(d) Benvolio delivered the letter.

8. What is Paris' response to the scheduled wedding date?
(a) He wishes it were over.
(b) He wishes Juliet would make up her mind.
(c) He wishes he had more time to prepare.
(d) He wishes it would come sooner.

9. In Act 4, Scene 3, Juliet has a fleeting suspicion that ______________.
(a) The potion might give her amnesia.
(b) The potion might actually be a poison.
(c) The friar is still planning to marry her off to Paris.
(d) The nurse knows she is planning to take the potion.

10. Why do the musicians refuse to play at the end of Act 4, Scene 5?
(a) Because Juliet is dead and the familiy is mourning.
(b) Because they do not know the music Peter asks them for.
(c) Because they have not been paid.
(d) Because Capulet has asked them not to.

11. What is Juliet's reaction to her mother's news that the wedding has been planned for Thursday?
(a) She pretends that she cannot hear her mother.
(b) She refuses to go through with the wedding.
(c) She pretends to be overjoyed.
(d) She refuses to get married until Saturday.

12. Who discovers that Juliet appears to be dead?
(a) Lady Capulet.
(b) The nurse.
(c) Capulet.
(d) Paris.

13. Juliet worries that she will wake before Romeo arrives and
(a) Encounter Tybalt's ghost.
(b) Have to leave without him.
(c) Suffocate in the tomb.
(d) Be forced to marry Paris.

14. In Act 3, Scene 4, Capulet informs Paris of what?
(a) That Juliet is too upset over Romeo to come downstairs.
(b) That Juliet refuses to marry him.
(c) That Juliet is too grief-stricken to speak with him.
(d) That Juliet is already married to Romeo.

15. Why does Romeo visit the apothecary in Act 5, Scene 1?
(a) He wants to buy poison so he can kill himself and be with Juliet.
(b) He wants to buy poison to kill Paris.
(c) He wants to buy a potion to wake Juliet.
(d) He wants to buy a potion to fake his own death.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why has Friar John come to visit Friar Laurence in Act 5, Scene 2?

2. Juliet calls Romeo "beautiful tyrant" and "fiend angelical," which are examples of ____________.

3. What is Romeo doing at the start of Act 3, Scene 3?

4. In Act 4, Scene 5, the friar claims that Juliet is ___________.

5. The marriage of Paris and Juliet has been planned for what day?

(see the answer keys)

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