Roman Blood Test | Final Test - Easy

Steven Saylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Roman Blood Test | Final Test - Easy

Steven Saylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Roscius react to the information about Elena and her baby?
(a) He is horrified that his father would father a child with a prostitute.
(b) He claims he knew nothing about it.
(c) He has no concern over that at all.
(d) He is saddened, as he had hoped to save her.

2. When Gordianus tells Roscius what he learned, how does Roscius respond?
(a) Roscius confirms all that Gordianus knows.
(b) Roscius wonders if they think he is guilty.
(c) Roscius is stunned.
(d) Roscius is angry that Gordianus went to Ameria.

3. After the petition by Titus and fellow landowners, what became of Roscius (filius)?
(a) His family deserted him.
(b) He was dragged to Rome and imprisoned.
(c) He was charged with his father's murder.
(d) He was kicked off the farm and sent into exile.

4. Rufus does not want to attend a party where Sulla will be present because __________________.
(a) Sulla is interested in Rufus sexually.
(b) He is afraid Sulla will kill him because he works with Cicero.
(c) He thinks Sulla has ruined Rome.
(d) He hates Sulla for marrying his sister.

5. In Chapter 23, what does Gordianus learn about Roscia?
(a) That she is pregnant.
(b) That her father has been sexually molesting her.
(c) That she knows her father killed her grandfather.
(d) That she is in love with him.

6. What kind of a place is the Bleating Lamb, where Gordianus stops on his way to Ameria?
(a) A farm.
(b) A town.
(c) A tavern.
(d) An inn.

7. Rufus learns that ___________________ was the one who bought the Roscius estate at auction.
(a) Titus.
(b) Magnus.
(c) Chrysogonus.
(d) Glaucia.

8. What was the result of Titus's and the other landowners' petition?
(a) Sulla took their land.
(b) Nothing. Sulla never heard it.
(c) Titus was put in prison.
(d) Roscius's name was cleared.

9. Where is Tiro supposed to meet Rosica on the next day?
(a) Near Caecilia's house.
(b) At the Forum.
(c) By the river.
(d) At Cicero's house.

10. When Gordianus finally arrives at Roscius's farm, whom does he see in the field?
(a) Nobody.
(b) Glaucia.
(c) Capito.
(d) Luius's family.

11. According to Titus Megarus, ____________________________.
(a) The land is worthless.
(b) Roscius stole the land from Magnus's father.
(c) Magnus and Capito are not really Roscius's cousins.
(d) The Roscii family has had a feud for generations.

12. Tiro listens to Roscia's story with great sympathy until ________________.
(a) She says she cares nothing for him.
(b) She says she will kill her father herself if she has to.
(c) She says she would rather live in a brothel and have sex wtih strangers.
(d) She hits Tiro with her hand.

13. Who does the guard sent by Cicero turn out to be?
(a) Someone sent to kill Gordianus.
(b) Cicero's guard, as he said.
(c) A spy.
(d) A man sent by Roscius to protect Gordianus.

14. After finishing his conversations at the Bleating Lamb, Gordianus continues on to Ameria. He meets __________ on the road.
(a) Glaucia.
(b) Capito.
(c) Lucius Megarus.
(d) The blind man.

15. What does the tavern owner tell Gordianus that he finds hard to believe?
(a) Someone in Ameria saw Roscius kill Gaius.
(b) Roscius was an imposter, and that was not his real name.
(c) Everyone there thinks Roscius was declared an enemy of Sulla.
(d) Roscius (filius) was with him on the night the elder was killed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Another piece of information Rufus learns about the auction of the property is___________.

2. When Rufus and Gordianus are alone in Caecilia's garden, they discuss _________________.

3. What does Carus show Gordianus on the farm?

4. What upsets Rufus during a song poking fun at Sulla?

5. What happened to Elena's baby, according to Felix and Chrestus?

(see the answer keys)

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