Roman Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Steven Saylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Roman Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Steven Saylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Gordianus's first impression of Cicero?
(a) That he must be in debt.
(b) That he is older than Gordianus thought.
(c) That he is slightly crazy.
(d) That he is not as smart as everyone says.

2. After Gordianus and Tiro leave Polia's apartment, what does Eco do?
(a) He writes a letter explaining what he knows.
(b) He runs after them and tries to kill them.
(c) He throws rocks at them.
(d) He runs into them on the street and mimes what he saw.

3. At Cicero's home, whom does Gordianus meet?
(a) The murder suspect.
(b) Tiro's wife.
(c) Cicero's wife.
(d) Tiro's grandfather.

4. Sextus Roscius (pater) does what for a living?
(a) Secretary.
(b) Senator.
(c) Farmer.
(d) Carpenter.

5. How does Tiro react to these events in Chapter 2?
(a) He is ready to fight.
(b) He runs away, afraid.
(c) He yells for help.
(d) He is shocked and disgusted.

6. Eco communicates that the man who stabbed Roscius has what distinguishing characteristic?
(a) He walks with a limp.
(b) He is a dwarf.
(c) He is a hunchback.
(d) He wears an eye patch.

7. Gordianus finds a pool of blood and a bloody hand print near_________________.
(a) A bath house.
(b) A brothel.
(c) A library.
(d) A sundry shop.

8. Who is Marcus Tullius Cicero?
(a) A noble member of Roman society.
(b) A freed slave.
(c) An advocate in a murder case.
(d) The governor of Rome.

9. How important was social class in ancient Rome?
(a) Important in determining what kind of job one had.
(b) Irrelevant; all citizens were considered equals.
(c) Very important; it impacted every aspect of life.
(d) Not that important; not that different from modern America.

10. Why does Tiro go to the home of Gordianus?
(a) Tiro wants to convince Gordianus to free him.
(b) Cicero wants to hire Gordianus to investigate the murder.
(c) Gordianus owes him money.
(d) Tiro wants to marry a slave in Gordianus's household.

11. What relationship complicates that of Cicero and Tiro?
(a) Tiro is Cicero's illegitimate son.
(b) Tiro's grandfather is a freed slave of Cicero's.
(c) Tiro was born into the same class as Cicero, but his family was disgraced and that is why he is a slave.
(d) Tiro is somebody else's slave, but has run away to stay with Cicero.

12. In Chapter 2, what happens as Tiro and Gordianus walk through the streets?
(a) A woman strips in the street.
(b) A scuffle breaks out and a gladiator is stabbed.
(c) Slaves are congregating to stage an uprising.
(d) A mob robs a shop.

13. Caecilia Metella tells Gordianus that on the night he was murdered, Roscius (pater) received______________.
(a) A lot of money.
(b) An urgent message.
(c) A death threat.
(d) A huge award.

14. Who is the man prosecuting Cicero's client?
(a) Rufus Messalla.
(b) Caecilia Metella.
(c) Gaius Eruscius.
(d) Marcus Tullius Tiro.

15. Sextus Roscius (pater) was fond of _____________.
(a) Food, drink, family, and animals.
(b) Baths, brothels, money, and wine.
(c) Food, drink, baths, and brothels.
(d) Food, sailing, prophisying, and brothels.

Short Answer Questions

1. Marucs Tullius Tiro is___________.

2. Who is the Roman dictator?

3. Who is Cicero's client?

4. When Gordianus starts to question Polia, Eco________________.

5. When Gordianus questions Polia, she__________________.

(see the answer keys)

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