Roman Blood Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Steven Saylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Roman Blood Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Steven Saylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, Justice: Chapters 27 - 34.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sextus Roscius (pater) was fond of _____________.
(a) Baths, brothels, money, and wine.
(b) Food, sailing, prophisying, and brothels.
(c) Food, drink, family, and animals.
(d) Food, drink, baths, and brothels.

2. Gordianus talks to Carus at the door of the farm villa. Who is Carus?
(a) A slave, once of Roscius, now of Capito.
(b) A hired manager of the farm.
(c) A friend of Roscius.
(d) The son of Capito.

3. What did Gordianus see the guard doing with blood?
(a) Making a sacrifice to a god.
(b) Mopping it all around the floor.
(c) Drinking it.
(d) Writing a message on his wall.

4. Why is Bethesda happy that Gordianus has been confined to Cicero's house?
(a) She is lonely.
(b) She is worried Gordianus will get himself killed.
(c) She doesn't like any of the slaves at Cicero's house.
(d) She is afraid and wants Gordianus to protect her.

5. Who is chasing Goridanus and Tiro in Chapter 27?
(a) Magnus and Glaucia.
(b) Capito and Glaucia.
(c) Glaucia and another slave.
(d) Magnus and Capito.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 12, Gordianus and Tiro go to the House of Swans. Who do they question there?

2. After Gordianus and Bethesda return to their house, what does he do?

3. After the petition by Titus and fellow landowners, what became of Roscius (filius)?

4. After finishing his conversations at the Bleating Lamb, Gordianus continues on to Ameria. He meets __________ on the road.

5. When Gordianus begins his investigation in Chapter 9, where does he go?

(see the answer key)

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