Rogue Warrior Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Marcinko
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rogue Warrior Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Marcinko
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the cab driver help Richard to find?
(a) Apartments.
(b) Hookers.
(c) Bars.
(d) Restaurants.

2. Who did Richard assign to centralize staff functions?
(a) Jerry Mason.
(b) Chuck Robinson.
(c) Jim Plak.
(d) Tom Williams.

3. In November 1982, Richard and his men had a training exercise in which cold body of water?
(a) Gulf of Finland.
(b) Lake Erie.
(c) North Sea.
(d) Bering Strait.

4. When did the operation in #119 take place?
(a) August 24, 1980.
(b) December 27, 1979.
(c) May 8, 1972.
(d) July 24, 1999.

5. Which of the following did the SEAL Six members NOT learn to do while in training?
(a) Open parachutes at the last minute.
(b) Negotiate with terrorists.
(c) Parachute from planes.
(d) Glide to a ground target.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who had to intervene when Richard tried to beat up the Egyptian officers?

2. Early in 1984, Richard talked with Ace Lyons on how the U.S. military was too heavily geared in confronting _____________________ and not the terrorist threat.

3. Richard's favorite international partner was ____________________.

4. What was the U.S. ship which was seized by Palestinian terrorists?

5. What was the state of Richard's marriage in Chapter 19?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the name of the anti-terrorism unit Richard was placed in charge of?

2. What did Richard learn about his own vulnerability regarding the disastrous attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran?

3. What did Richard risk losing by leaving Virginia Beach and heading to Cambodia?

4. How did two men die during SEAL Team Six training?

5. What tragedy could have been prevented had officials acted on Richard's advice in the situation in Lebanon regarding the U.S. Embassy?

6. What skills did Richard learn after the family moved back to Virginia Beach and he went to school in Washington DC?

7. What advice was Richard given when it became clear that he could not attend War College?

8. Why did the hostage rescue effort end disastrously?

9. Describe the training mission for Richard's unit in the North Sea in November 1982.

10. What did Richard's unit do instead of being sent on anti-terrorist missions?

(see the answer keys)

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