Robert Kennedy and His Times Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Robert Kennedy and His Times Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Robert Kennedy want to promote tough legislation through his role in the Senate?
(a) To create a bipartisan Senate.
(b) To appear strong.
(c) To make a difference for the poor and blacks.
(d) To win votes.

2. When John Kennedy stood for reelection, what was the country enamored by?
(a) The New Frontier and the culture of Camelot.
(b) Southern Democrats.
(c) Martin Luther King.
(d) Southern Baptists.

3. After riots in 1967, where did President Johnson's focus shift?
(a) Internal security and crime control.
(b) Civil rights.
(c) Economy.
(d) Housing.

4. What did many Democrats want Robert Kennedy to do in 1964?
(a) Run for vice-president.
(b) Resign his cabinet post.
(c) Give up his Senate seat.
(d) Declare bankruptcy.

5. What did Robert Kennedy discover about the FBI and the CIA after the assassination of the President?
(a) That they were Communist.
(b) That they had withheld information from the Warren Commission.
(c) That they were one organization.
(d) That they were friends with Fidel Castro.

6. Why was Robert Kennedy hesitant to run for political office in 1968?
(a) He did not want to lose.
(b) He did not want to run against someone of his own party.
(c) He did not like politics.
(d) He felt angry.

7. Why did John Kennedy travel to Texas in November 1963?
(a) To visit his grandmother.
(b) To meet with Lyndon B. Johnson.
(c) To start the Vietnam War.
(d) To promote himself and fellow elected officials to the public.

8. When Robert Kennedy announced his Presidential candidacy in 1968, what happened within his own party?
(a) He won everyone over to his side.
(b) It broke up.
(c) It merged with the Socialist party.
(d) He ran against the incumbent who was from the same party.

9. What gained popularity in Vietnam in the 1960s?
(a) Food camps.
(b) Guerilla warfare.
(c) Communism.
(d) Death camps.

10. What did Robert Kennedy try to do to help the poor in America?
(a) Offer them housing alternatives.
(b) Put them on islands far away from urban centers.
(c) Segregate them.
(d) Bring them into the mainstream of an abundant society.

11. What devastated Robert Kennedy?
(a) The creation of South Vietnam.
(b) The building of nuclear Iran.
(c) The arrival of twins.
(d) The death of the president.

12. What happened to Vietnam when Indochina broke up into four countries?
(a) Vietman was rife with anarchy.
(b) Vietnam was divided into Communist North and Non-Communist South.
(c) Vietnam was bombed.
(d) Vietnam was assimilated into Communist China.

13. What did Southern conservatives call the administration in 1964?
(a) Religious.
(b) Bleeding heart liberals.
(c) Segregationist.
(d) Right-wing.

14. To whom did Robert Kennedy turn to guide him through agricultural areas in the late 1960s and to understand how people lived?
(a) William Davis.
(b) Cabot Stone.
(c) Cesar Chavez.
(d) General Nguyen.

15. Who fed rumors to Johnson about Robert Kennedy?
(a) Hoover.
(b) McCarthy.
(c) Wallace.
(d) Hoffa.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who failed to ask enough questions as a political leader during the insurgency in Vietnam?

2. What did Robert Kennedy call the shame of poverty?

3. What became the new policy of the Johnson administration toward Latin America in the 1960s?

4. What was happening in America in 1968?

5. According to Robert Kennedy, what needed to be addressed in America to move forward peacefully?

(see the answer keys)

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