Robert Kennedy and His Times Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Robert Kennedy and His Times Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who assisted in secret negotiations with Castro?
(a) John Donovan.
(b) Khruschev.
(c) Mikhail Gorbachev.
(d) Vladimir Putin.

2. What conclusion did Robert Kennedy come to after his Latin American trip?
(a) That the administration would have to pick and choose what problems to address.
(b) That Latin America was too difficult to deal with.
(c) That they should bring in troops.
(d) That they should concede defeat to Communist dictators.

3. Who did Robert Kennedy want the Americans to negotiate with in Vietnam?
(a) The Russians.
(b) Haliburton.
(c) The dictator.
(d) The Viet Cong.

4. What became the new policy of the Johnson administration toward Latin America in the 1960s?
(a) Support U.S. corporations doing business there.
(b) Overthrow governments.
(c) Create democracy.
(d) Eradicate poverty.

5. Which segment of the American population began to support Robert Kennedy's view of the war in 1967?
(a) Ivy League graduates.
(b) Richest Americans.
(c) Poorest Americans.
(d) Middle class.

6. What policy did the U.S. government take in 1962-3 towards preventing the spread of Communism abroad?
(a) Sending off troops to Africa.
(b) Sending off troops to Asia.
(c) Building a gigantic wall in Cuba.
(d) Sending aid to growing nations.

7. What gained popularity in Vietnam in the 1960s?
(a) Death camps.
(b) Guerilla warfare.
(c) Communism.
(d) Food camps.

8. Why was Robert Kennedy considered a reformer in America during the 1960s?
(a) For traveling to third-world nations.
(b) For building trains.
(c) For challenging the status quo.
(d) For secretly negotiating with Castro.

9. What did Robert Kennedy discover during his travel to Latin America to garner support for the Alliance for Progress?
(a) There is a lot of Anti-American sentiment among the people of these nations.
(b) The Soviet Union was secretly overtaking many governments in Latin America.
(c) The FBI was working with the CIA to undermine the Alliance for Progress.
(d) The Alliance for Progress is run by a Communist dictator.

10. Who resigned in 1964?
(a) Joe McNamara.
(b) Herbert Hoover.
(c) Cabinet members and advisors to John Kennedy.
(d) Robert Kennedy.

11. What two issues did Robert Kennedy choose to address from 1963 onwards?
(a) Juvenile delinquency and crime.
(b) Destitution and rape.
(c) Poverty and civil rights.
(d) Murder and disenfranchisement.

12. What was Robert Kennedy's margin when he won a Senate seat in New York?
(a) 700,000 votes.
(b) 700 votes.
(c) 8,000 votes.
(d) 800 votes.

13. What did the CIA attempt to do to Fidel Castro and failed?
(a) Promote him.
(b) Educate him.
(c) Win him over.
(d) Assassinate him.

14. When John Kennedy stood for reelection, what was the country enamored by?
(a) Southern Baptists.
(b) The New Frontier and the culture of Camelot.
(c) Martin Luther King.
(d) Southern Democrats.

15. What did the American public grow alarmed about in 1967?
(a) Education.
(b) The rising cost of inflation.
(c) Poverty.
(d) The cost of the war in terms of money and human lives.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did many Democrats want Robert Kennedy to do in 1964?

2. What American policy change instigated by the Johnson administration did Robert Kennedy oppose in Latin America?

3. What devastated Robert Kennedy?

4. Who launched a successful attack against American forces in Vietnam?

5. What did Johnson want to use Robert Kennedy for?

(see the answer keys)

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