Robert Kennedy and His Times Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Robert Kennedy and His Times Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to John Kennedy in Texas in November 1963?
(a) He began a war.
(b) He won an election.
(c) He was assassinated.
(d) He got a degree.

2. What did Robert Kennedy find unbearable in the 1960s?
(a) The health care system.
(b) Injustices in American society.
(c) The political system.
(d) The court system.

3. What did Robert Kennedy call the shame of poverty?
(a) That poverty created abuse.
(b) That poor people had no clothes to wear.
(c) That poverty created illiteracy.
(d) That the wealthiest nation could tolerate such conditions for its poor.

4. Why did John Kennedy travel to Texas in November 1963?
(a) To start the Vietnam War.
(b) To promote himself and fellow elected officials to the public.
(c) To meet with Lyndon B. Johnson.
(d) To visit his grandmother.

5. Who led a military coup to oust Diem from office?
(a) Cabot Lodge.
(b) President Kennedy.
(c) Robert Kennedy.
(d) CIA.

6. Whose administration was falling apart as the war in Vietnam continued to rage in 1967?
(a) John Kennedy's.
(b) Robert Kennedy's.
(c) Eisenhower's.
(d) Johnson's.

7. Who provided the American ground troops for Vietnam?
(a) America's elite Ivy League school graduates.
(b) Corporations.
(c) America's poor.
(d) Republican party officials.

8. What gained popularity in Vietnam in the 1960s?
(a) Food camps.
(b) Guerilla warfare.
(c) Death camps.
(d) Communism.

9. After riots in 1967, where did President Johnson's focus shift?
(a) Civil rights.
(b) Internal security and crime control.
(c) Housing.
(d) Economy.

10. What did Robert Kennedy discover about the FBI and the CIA after the assassination of the President?
(a) That they had withheld information from the Warren Commission.
(b) That they were friends with Fidel Castro.
(c) That they were one organization.
(d) That they were Communist.

11. What was Robert Kennedy's margin when he won a Senate seat in New York?
(a) 700 votes.
(b) 8,000 votes.
(c) 700,000 votes.
(d) 800 votes.

12. What did Robert Kennedy see on reservations in the 1960s?
(a) Industry.
(b) Prosperity.
(c) Large casinos.
(d) Hopelessness.

13. According to Robert Kennedy, what needed to be addressed in America to move forward peacefully?
(a) Suffering.
(b) Religious strife.
(c) Racial discord.
(d) Disease.

14. Who was the hated dictator in former Indochina in the 1960s?
(a) Ho Chi Minh.
(b) Laos.
(c) Saigon.
(d) Diem.

15. What did Robert Kennedy discover during his travel to Latin America to garner support for the Alliance for Progress?
(a) There is a lot of Anti-American sentiment among the people of these nations.
(b) The Alliance for Progress is run by a Communist dictator.
(c) The FBI was working with the CIA to undermine the Alliance for Progress.
(d) The Soviet Union was secretly overtaking many governments in Latin America.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did some Americans believe that staying in Vietnam was important?

2. What American policy change instigated by the Johnson administration did Robert Kennedy oppose in Latin America?

3. What policy did the U.S. government take in 1962-3 towards preventing the spread of Communism abroad?

4. What did Robert Kennedy promise to third-world countries?

5. When John Kennedy stood for reelection, what was the country enamored by?

(see the answer keys)

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