Robert Kennedy and His Times Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Robert Kennedy and His Times Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What organization was created to support American foreign policy in the 1960s?
(a) IMF.
(b) United Nations.
(c) World Council on Hunger.
(d) Peace Corps.

2. What apathetic division of the Justice department did Robert Kennedy try to change?
(a) The social services division.
(b) The anti-trust division.
(c) The special services division.
(d) The criminal justice division.

3. Who was the first Black justice official appointed by the Attorney General?
(a) Robert McAllister.
(b) Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.
(c) George Wallace.
(d) Burke Marshall.

4. Who did Robert Kennedy appoint to investigate anti-trust violations?
(a) William Orrick.
(b) David Hackett.
(c) Joseph Smith.
(d) Bob Barkett.

5. What party did Adlai Stevenson belong to?
(a) Progressive.
(b) Independent.
(c) Democratic.
(d) Republican.

6. Who did John F. Kennedy run against in the 1960 presidential primary?
(a) Robert Kennedy and Jimmy Hoffa.
(b) Joe McCarthy and Walter Reuther.
(c) Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey.
(d) Communists and Socialists.

7. Whose Vice-Presidential bid failed in 1956?
(a) Patrick Kennedy.
(b) Herbert Hoover.
(c) Joe McCarthy.
(d) John F. Kennedy.

8. Where did Robert Kennedy get a position because of his father's influence?
(a) Senate Investigations Committee.
(b) Attorney General's office.
(c) Senate.
(d) House of Representatives.

9. Why did Robert Kennedy spearhead covert negotiations with Castro?
(a) For access to drugs.
(b) For access to Soviet missiles.
(c) To gain the release of American prisoners.
(d) For building a defense base.

10. What did Robert Kennedy find was a frequent result of poverty?
(a) Armed robbery.
(b) Depression.
(c) Juvenile deliquency.
(d) Theft.

11. Who traveled to Asia and witnessed the new nationalism arising in those countries?
(a) Patrick and John Kennedy.
(b) John and Robert Kennedy.
(c) Kathleen and Margaret Eunice.
(d) Herbert and Rose Hoover.

12. During the 1960s, what emerged as the primary U.S. goal with foreign relations?
(a) To support their governments.
(b) To maintain regimes friendly to America.
(c) To fight for equality among all countries.
(d) To promote democracy.

13. What three organizations did Robert Kennedy enlist support from?
(a) FBI, CIA, and Pentagon.
(b) UNICEF, World Bank, and IMF.
(c) Bureau of Narcotics, IRS, and the Interstate Commerce Commission.
(d) NRDC, EPA, and Security Commission.

14. Which institution opposed the changes happening in the Justice Department?
(a) Security Council.
(b) FBI.
(c) Pentagon.
(d) CIA.

15. Who did the most notorious anti-trust case to come under investigation involve?
(a) Automobile workers.
(b) Six steel companies.
(c) Telephone companies.
(d) Paper mill companies.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who witnessed poverty firsthand and saw postwar devastation in Europe?

2. Who led the United Automobile Workers (UAW)?

3. Who was a staunch Democrat in an era of Republican dominance?

4. What did Robert Kennedy think were the two reasons for juvenile delinquency?

5. What organizations had numerous opponents to John Kennedy's foreign policy?

(see the answer keys)

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