Roadwork Test | Final Test - Easy

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Roadwork Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On January 13th, way does Bart go to see Drake?
(a) To get him to talk to Mary for him.
(b) To get information from him to put Drake into his will.
(c) To give him money and talk about going into business together.
(d) To give him money.

2. Why does Bart think Vinnie Mason needs to be fired?
(a) Because he attacked him and is dangerous.
(b) Because he is crazy.
(c) So that he can move on to greater things.
(d) Because he is stealing.

3. After seeing the pristine snow cover in the back yard, what does Bart want to do?
(a) Burn it.
(b) Make a snow angel.
(c) Run all over the back yard to mess it up.
(d) Water it down and make it into ice.

4. On the night of January 10th, what does Bart dream about?
(a) Olivia.
(b) Committing suicide.
(c) Charlie.
(d) Mary.

5. What do the two men of Magliore's do to Bart's home?
(a) Break into it.
(b) Fix it to be tamper-proof.
(c) Set explosives around it.
(d) "Wash" it.

6. Since taking the drugs,what fictional character has Bart felt like?
(a) Jeckyll and Hyde.
(b) Atticus Fitch.
(c) Huck Finn.
(d) Iago.

7. How does Drake get the money to run his coffee shop?
(a) From loans.
(b) From donations.
(c) Old family money.
(d) He is independently wealthy.

8. Where does the transaction between Bart and Magliore's men take place?
(a) The Town Line Tavern.
(b) Magliore's car dealership.
(c) The bowling alley.
(d) Nicky's Diner.

9. What quote from Richard Widmark does Bart recall when getting ready to fire the Weatherbee?
(a) Jerk the trigger.
(b) Pull the trigger.
(c) Pop the trigger.
(d) Squeeze the trigger.

10. What does Mary call Bart in regards to Charlie's death?
(a) A loving father.
(b) A psychopath.
(c) A stranger.
(d) A prisoner.

11. What does Bart do with the canape that Mary brings to him?
(a) He puts it in his shirt pocket.
(b) He throws it on the floor.
(c) He throws it across the room.
(d) He drops it in her drink.

12. How does Bart get home from the New Year's Eve party?
(a) Phil Drake.
(b) Walter Hamner.
(c) Tina Wallace.
(d) Mary.

13. What does Bart say to himself to put his plans into effect?
(a) Let's go.
(b) Roll it.
(c) Time to blow.
(d) Ready.

14. What does Bart do on the night of January 19th right before falling asleep?
(a) Gets drunk.
(b) Takes more drugs.
(c) Cries hysterically.
(d) Screams at the top of his lungs.

15. What kind of dreams does Bart have on New Year's Eve?
(a) None; he doesn't have any dreams.
(b) Dreams about Mary.
(c) Dreams about Olivia.
(d) Nightmares about Charlie.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Bart, what activity is soothing and sane?

2. What does Bart take down to the post office on the morning of January 16th?

3. At the end of the conversation about the explosives, what does Bart tell Magliore he wants to do?

4. What time does Bart wake up on the morning of January 20th?

5. On January 8th, Bart and Magliore have lunch together. What do they eat?

(see the answer keys)

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