River God Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

River God Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Pages 405-444.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lostris ensure that Tanus is a part of her son's life?
(a) By ordering him to report directly to her.
(b) By sending her son to live with him.
(c) None of the answers is correct.
(d) By hiring him as one of the royal tutors.

2. Why does Lostris want to drink poison on her wedding night?
(a) So she can become sick and delay going to Pharaoh's bed.
(b) So she can die and wait for Tanus on the other side.
(c) So she can die and stop existing.
(d) To become ill so Pharaoh will pay more attention to her.

3. Why is Taita valuable to Lord Intef?
(a) Taita knows all the dark secrets of Lord Intef's reign.
(b) Taita has helped him win favor with Pharaoh.
(c) Taita manages all his wealth.
(d) Taita is one of his favorite lovers.

4. How are the Shrike barons and Rasfer executed?
(a) Nailed upside-down to the city gates.
(b) Thrown to the crocodiles.
(c) Shot by a crew of archers.
(d) Starved to death in their prison cells.

5. Why does Taita think he deserves to be called the best artist in all the land?
(a) Because of his writing prowess.
(b) Because of his medicinal skills.
(c) Because of his painted murals.
(d) Because of his clay pots.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what crime does Pharaoh find Tanus guilty?

2. Why is Taita able to persuade Pharaoh of Lostris's illness on their wedding night?

3. What proves that Lord Intef owned the chests of treasure hidden in his palace?

4. How is Tanus injured in the first elephant hunt?

5. What does Taita conspicuously display over the harem wall the morning after Lostris's wedding?

(see the answer key)

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