Riptide Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Riptide Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does Neidelman anticipate the project or expedition to the Water Pit will take?
(a) Five days.
(b) Five months.
(c) Four months.
(d) Four weeks.

2. At the beginning of Chapter 14, what is unrecognizable to Malin Hatch?
(a) Captain Gerald Neidelman.
(b) Ragged Island.
(c) Cerberus.
(d) Water Pit.

3. What does the team plan to dump inside the Water Pit to test the water?
(a) Chemicals.
(b) High intensity dye.
(c) Purifiers.
(d) Low intensity dye.

4. Where does St. John tell Hatch to meet Isobel?
(a) The Griffin.
(b) The Plain Jane.
(c) The Cerberus.
(d) The digsite.

5. What is the name of Malin's lab assistant at the hospital?
(a) Alfred.
(b) Bruce.
(c) Simon.
(d) Gerald.

6. Who does Malin call to have Ken Field transported to a hospital?
(a) Coast Guard.
(b) Marines.
(c) Air Force.
(d) Army.

7. Where does Neidelman take Hatch where there are several engineers working?
(a) Hole.
(b) Cerberus.
(c) Griffin.
(d) Command center.

8. What can the Hatch children see while playing from their family's backyard?
(a) A pirate's ship.
(b) A pirate's treasure.
(c) The Water Pit.
(d) Ragged Island.

9. What is the name of the English architect who designed the Water Pit?
(a) Captain Gerald Neidelman.
(b) Sir William Macallan.
(c) Sir Edmond O'Neal.
(d) Red Ned Ockham.

10. In Chapter 14, what are the staff members looking over in the command center?
(a) The computers.
(b) Test results.
(c) Supplies.
(d) Fishing equipment.

11. Because they can't pump the water out, what does Neidelman order the crew to do, just like the pirates?
(a) The sandbag.
(b) Build a Dam.
(c) Build a levy.
(d) Build a Cofferdon.

12. Who are the guests of honor at the Stormhaven Lobster Bake?
(a) Christopher St. John and Kerry Wopner.
(b) Malin Hatch and Gerald Neidelman.
(c) Ragged Island Search Team.
(d) The Thalassa Group.

13. Claire, a past flame of Hatch's enters the restaurant. Who is she?
(a) Woody Clay's wife.
(b) Bonterre's best friend.
(c) St. John's sister.
(d) Neidleman's sister.

14. Whom does Neidelman introduce as the team's computer specialist at the meeting after Field's injury?
(a) Christopher St. John.
(b) Kerry Wopner.
(c) William Macallan.
(d) Lyle Streeter.

15. After Malin and Johnny Hatch enter the cave, they come to a door with a seal. What is Malin surrounded by after Johnny opens this door and disappears?
(a) Swords.
(b) A pool of blood.
(c) Bats.
(d) The treasure.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ken Field is the first team member who has a medical emergency while working on the project. What happened to Field?

2. Who is Woody Clay?

3. What does Malin Hatch have difficulty with after dinner in Chapter 20?

4. At the opening of Chapter Two, at which hospital does Malin Hatch work?

5. How far offshore is the boat Malin sees moored offshore Ragged Island?

(see the answer keys)

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