Rip Van Winkle Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 88 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rip Van Winkle Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 88 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of clothing is the stranger on the mountainside wearing?
(a) He is dressed like a Dutchman from long ago.
(b) He is dressed like a pirate captain.
(c) He is dressed like a British soldier.
(d) He is dressed like an innkeeper.

2. What does Rip keep hearing as he and the stranger climb up the mountainside?
(a) Something that sounds like stampeding animals.
(b) A deep, booming laugh.
(c) Something that sounds like thunder.
(d) The roar of a waterfall.

3. What is Rip's first worry when he wakes up on the mountainside in the morning?
(a) His wife is going to be very angry.
(b) His gun and dog are missing.
(c) He cannot remember the night before.
(d) He feels unusually sore and tired.

4. From the reference to the painting in the parsonage, what can the reader deduce about the men that Rip meets in the mountains?
(a) They look like many copies of the same person.
(b) They look like Dutchmen from long ago.
(c) They are standing unnaturally still.
(d) They look like European royalty.

5. Why does Rip hurry over to the man he sees on the mountainside?
(a) The man seems to be about to drop his burden.
(b) Wolf's reaction makes him curious to get a closer look.
(c) He thinks it is a neighbor who needs his help.
(d) The man calls to him that he needs some help.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Rip wakes in the morning on the mountainside, what does he think has happened to his gun?

2. How does Wolf react to the stranger on the mountainside?

3. What does Rip do while he is resting on the mountainside?

4. On his way home from the mountains, what does Rip suddenly realize about his own appearance?

5. What are the "flagons" that the men on the mountainside have (34)?

Short Essay Questions

1. What two things does Rip at first find odd about the stranger in the mountains?

2. What do the men in the amphitheater remind Rip of, and what is this meant to signify?

3. What does the man in the mountains want Rip's help with, and how does he communicate this?

4. When Rip reenters the village, what changes does he notice before he gets to his house?

5. What two things does Rip find the most unusual about the men in the amphitheater?

6. Explain what the natural "amphitheater" is and how Rip and the stranger reach it.

7. When Rip wakes up in the mountains, what changes does he immediately notice?

8. What noise does Rip hear as he and the stranger make their way up the mountain, and what does the noise later turn out to be?

9. What is Wolf's reaction to the stranger in the mountains, and how does it ironically relate to what happens upon Rip's return to the village?

10. As Rip tries to retrace his steps from the night before, what changes does he find on the mountainside itself?

(see the answer keys)

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