Rip Van Winkle Test | Final Test - Easy

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Rip Van Winkle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 88 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On page 35, Rip is "tempted to repeat the draught." How is the word "draught" pronounced?
(a) Rhymes with "raft."
(b) Rhymes with "hot."
(c) Rhymes with "out."
(d) Rhymes with "loft."

2. What happens to Rip as a result of drinking the strangers' liquor?
(a) He gets lost in the woods.
(b) He falls asleep.
(c) They chase him away.
(d) He can suddenly hear them talking.

3. What is Rip's first worry when he wakes up on the mountainside in the morning?
(a) He feels unusually sore and tired.
(b) His wife is going to be very angry.
(c) His gun and dog are missing.
(d) He cannot remember the night before.

4. What strikes Rip as very odd about the way the men on the mountainside are behaving?
(a) They seem to be expecting him, because there is an open spot left for him.
(b) Even though they are playing a game, they seem unhappy.
(c) Although no one speaks, they keep nodding and laughing.
(d) They seem to be completely unable to see him, even though he is standing very close to them.

5. What does Rip keep hearing as he and the stranger climb up the mountainside?
(a) Something that sounds like thunder.
(b) The roar of a waterfall.
(c) Something that sounds like stampeding animals.
(d) A deep, booming laugh.

6. What does the man that Rip traveled up the mountainside with want Rip to do once they reach the other men?
(a) Serve them alcohol.
(b) Play a game with them.
(c) Let them paint his picture.
(d) Leave.

7. Where does Rip find himself on the morning after meeting the strangers on the mountain?
(a) In the natural "amphitheater."
(b) Next to the Hudson River.
(c) Back at the spot where he met the first man coming up the mountain.
(d) Lost in the woods on the mountainside.

8. The men on the mountainside have "uncouth, lack lustre countenances" (34). What does this mean is true about the men?
(a) Their clothing is sloppy and dull.
(b) They are dressed like children even though they are old.
(c) Their faces look blank and they seem rude.
(d) Their voices are flat and they seem unhappy.

9. How does Rip end up drinking some of the men's strange liquor?
(a) He mistakes it for water.
(b) He sneaks it when they are not looking.
(c) The man he arrived with pours him a cup.
(d) The men gather around him and force him to drink.

10. How does Wolf react to the stranger on the mountainside?
(a) He wags his tail and gives an excited bark.
(b) He runs away into the woods.
(c) He tries to attack the man.
(d) He growls at him.

11. Why does Rip hurry over to the man he sees on the mountainside?
(a) He thinks it is a neighbor who needs his help.
(b) The man calls to him that he needs some help.
(c) The man seems to be about to drop his burden.
(d) Wolf's reaction makes him curious to get a closer look.

12. On his way home from the mountains, what does Rip suddenly realize about his own appearance?
(a) His face is covered with wrinkles.
(b) His beard has grown a foot longer.
(c) His clothing is strangely worn and tattered.
(d) He has a deep sunburn.

13. What do Rip and the stranger climb up on their way up the mountainside?
(a) A long, muddy slope.
(b) A rocky cliff.
(c) The dry bed of a stream.
(d) A pathway left by loggers.

14. When Rip sees a dog that looks like Wolf outside of his old house, how does the dog behave?
(a) It jumps up and licks his face.
(b) It quivers in fear.
(c) It seems to not be able to see him.
(d) It snarls at him and then walks away.

15. When Rip and the stranger enter the natural amphitheater, Rip sees several people doing what?
(a) Gambling.
(b) Painting.
(c) Drinking.
(d) Bowling.

Short Answer Questions

1. Everything that happens to Rip on the morning after he meets the strangers on the mountain makes him feel "perplexities" (36). What does this mean that is Rip feeling?

2. What type of clothing is the stranger on the mountainside wearing?

3. When Rip is tired from hunting, he lies down on a knoll. What is he lying on?

4. When he is resting on the mountainside, what sound alerts Rip that someone is nearby?

5. When Rip finds the path that he and the strange man took on the night before, what surprising change has happened?

(see the answer keys)

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