Ringworld Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ringworld Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nessus bring to his fellow crew members when he returns to them?
(a) The head of the woman.
(b) Maps.
(c) Wine.
(d) Meat.

2. What is part of Seeker's payment for Teela?
(a) Flying the police station.
(b) Gathering the wire.
(c) Speaking to the natives.
(d) Acting as a guard.

3. What is there a wire statue of in the castle?
(a) A large wolf like creature.
(b) The Ringworld.
(c) A bald man.
(d) A queen.

4. What happens to Louis's cycle when the signal pulls them in?
(a) It deflates.
(b) It explodes.
(c) It shrinks.
(d) It turns upside down.

5. Why does Prill try to seduce Louis?
(a) So that they will take her with them.
(b) Because she is crazy.
(c) To get to the tasp.
(d) Because she loves him.

6. What are the people who built the city and flying castle called?
(a) The Ones.
(b) The Creators.
(c) The First.
(d) The Engineers.

7. How far will Louis and Speaker fall if they fall out of the force field?
(a) 100 yards.
(b) 90 yards.
(c) 100 feet.
(d) 90 feet.

8. In Chapter 18, what does Louis realize Teela uses to get attention?
(a) Laughing fits.
(b) Silence.
(c) Her good looks.
(d) Reckless behavior.

9. What does Louis do when Nessus does not want to go rescue Teela?
(a) Cries.
(b) Makes Nessus feel guilty until agrees to go.
(c) Threatens to kill him.
(d) Tells him he does not have to come.

10. What is the only thing that can save the crew from these burning lights?
(a) Cloud cover.
(b) Flying higher into the atmosphere.
(c) Their safety shields.
(d) A rock or cave.

11. What makes Louis think that Teela must be dead?
(a) He thinks she is too foolish to survive.
(b) He sees her cycle among the cars.
(c) He has a gut feeling.
(d) He has not heard from her in hours.

12. What does Louis what Speaker to pretend to be to trick the natives?
(a) A demon.
(b) An invader.
(c) Injured.
(d) A god.

13. What happens when Speaker attempts to cut the wire?
(a) The natives attack.
(b) He cuts himself.
(c) It cannot be cut.
(d) The wires attack him.

14. What lies between the Liar and the rim of the ring?
(a) An ocean.
(b) Swamps and bogs.
(c) A rocky wasteland.
(d) A dense forest.

15. Where do the three stop to make plans regarding their search and rescue of Teela?
(a) A cave.
(b) An abandoned warehouse.
(c) The castle.
(d) A house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Louis notice on the Ringworld ground as they fly?

2. What else do Speaker and Louis see trapped in the force field?

3. Teela get separated from the group and finds herself where before they lose communication with her?

4. What has Teela gotten the stairs in the castle to do?

5. What happens when Louis calls Nessus to report Speaker's incident?

(see the answer keys)

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