Ring around the Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ring around the Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Madame Desmortes' primary interest, regarding Isabelle?
(a) Her wealth.
(b) Her romantic past.
(c) Her age.
(d) Her lineage.

2. What is the birth order of the twins?
(a) Hugo is twenty minutes older.
(b) Hugo is ten minutes younger.
(c) Hugo is twenty minutes younger.
(d) Hugo is ten minutes older.

3. What is the first topic of conversation in Act 1, Scene 1?
(a) Money.
(b) Frederic's odd sleeping habits.
(c) The upcoming ball.
(d) Affairs of the heart.

4. Who does Madame Desmortes question about Isabelle?
(a) Isabelle's daughter.
(b) Romainville.
(c) Isabelle's mother.
(d) Messerschmann.

5. Of what is Isabelle afraid in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) Remaining poor.
(b) Tripping over her dress.
(c) She fears going to the ball without understanding the real reason for her presence.
(d) Fainting.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sounds are heard offstage during Act 1, Scene 2?

2. Who is asked to help manage the guests at the ball?

3. Whose joke upsets Frederic?

4. Why does Isabelle apologize to Hugo in Act 1, Scene 2?

5. When Frederic appears, what does he ask Joshua?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Isabelle's mother refuse to leave the chateau with Isabelle after her hopes for romance with Hugo have been dashed?

2. Why does Madame Desmortes question Romainville about Isabelle's lineage, and what answer does she receive?

3. What does Hugo convince Romainville to do in Act 1, Scene 1, and under what threat?

4. Describe the relationship between Romainville and Isabelle.

5. What does Isabelle say to Frederic after her fight with Diana when she thinks he is Hugo? What is the result of her confusion?

6. What do Messerschmann and Isabelle do after his epiphany regarding money?

7. How do Frederic's early actions and words in the play indicate his insecurity?

8. How do the romantic schemes of Madame Desmortes ultimately play out?

9. What does the gardener threaten to do regarding the rhododendrons, and why?

10. What Biblical story does Messerschmann share with Joshua, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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