Ring around the Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ring around the Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Frederic says that he and his brother are different in what way?
(a) Their appearance.
(b) Their intelligence.
(c) Their wealth.
(d) Their hearts.

2. What event is about to take place at the chateau?
(a) A ballet.
(b) A ball.
(c) A wedding.
(d) A funeral.

3. What is the birth order of the twins?
(a) Hugo is ten minutes older.
(b) Hugo is twenty minutes older.
(c) Hugo is ten minutes younger.
(d) Hugo is twenty minutes younger.

4. Why does Romainville hide Isabelle's mother?
(a) To conceal her from her husband.
(b) To conceal her from Madame Desmortes.
(c) To conceal her from her daughter.
(d) To conceal her from Hugo.

5. The play takes place in what sort of room?
(a) Kitchen.
(b) Ballroom.
(c) Library.
(d) Conservatory.

6. Why is Patrice wary of Hugo?
(a) Hugo could reveal his secret to Madame Desmortes.
(b) Hugo is having an affair with Patrice's wife.
(c) Hugo could reveal his secret to Messerschmann.
(d) Hugo and Patrice love the same woman.

7. At the beginning of the play, which two characters are engaged?
(a) Hugo and Madame Desmortes.
(b) Frederic and Madame Desmortes.
(c) Hugo and Diana.
(d) Frederic and Diana.

8. Of what is Isabelle afraid in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) She fears going to the ball without understanding the real reason for her presence.
(b) Fainting.
(c) Remaining poor.
(d) Tripping over her dress.

9. Who confirms that no one suspects Hugo's plan?
(a) Madame Desmortes.
(b) Diana.
(c) Frederic.
(d) Joshua.

10. Where does Hugo want Isabelle to stay?
(a) In Paris.
(b) In a hotel.
(c) At her home.
(d) At the chateau.

11. How has the scenery changed from Scene 1 to Scene 2?
(a) A storm is visible through the windows.
(b) The room has been vandalized.
(c) This scene takes place in the ballroom.
(d) Decorations have been added in preparation for the ball.

12. Who is asked to help manage the guests at the ball?
(a) Hugo.
(b) Joshua.
(c) Capulet.
(d) Diana.

13. Whose joke upsets Frederic?
(a) Diana's.
(b) Madame Desmortes'.
(c) Joshua's.
(d) Hugo's.

14. Who first gives Isabelle instructions regarding her behavior at the ball?
(a) Diana.
(b) Madame Desmortes.
(c) Frederic.
(d) Hugo.

15. Who is Capulet?
(a) The wife of Patrice.
(b) The wife of Messerschmann.
(c) The companion of Madame Desmortes.
(d) The daughter of Madame Desmortes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a characters' sarcastic complaint when she is waiting to see the guest list?

2. What does Hugo say in Act 1, Scene 2 are his feelings for Isabelle?

3. What does Hugo want Isabelle to do/be at the event taking place at the chateau?

4. What is the room filled with?

5. Who is Joshua?

(see the answer keys)

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