Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties, Translations and Considerations of Rainer Maria Rilke Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties, Translations and Considerations of Rainer Maria Rilke Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Dragon-Princess.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The translator claims that the poems in "Rilke's Poems on Love" deserve to take their place alongside whose great love poems?
(a) Shelley's.
(b) Dante's.
(c) Byron's.
(d) Ovid's.

2. What literary technique is used in the following? "lifted out of the riverbed of endless possibilities"?
(a) Assonance.
(b) Simile.
(c) Metaphor.
(d) Irony.

3. In the introduction to "Rilke's Poems on Love," the commentator states that Rilke's imagery is all what?
(a) Earthly.
(b) Surreal.
(c) Unnatural.
(d) Heavenly.

4. Rilke says in "The Dragon-Princess," that "the experiences called 'visions,' the whole so-called 'spirit world'," etc. has been so crowded out of life that the "sense we could have grasped them with has" done what?
(a) Diminished.
(b) Atrophied.
(c) Melted.
(d) Collapsed.

5. What has the fear of the inexplicable also impoverished, according to Rilke?
(a) Relationships with God.
(b) Relationships between human beings.
(c) Trust in God.
(d) Belief in self.

Short Answer Questions

1. From what collection is "The Poet Praises" taken?

2. When did Rilke undertake "the great giving"?

3. In a very short untitled poem, Rilke writes, "The voices warned me so I _____."

4. In the Introduction to "Rilke's Poems on Other Difficulties," Mood writes that Rilke "began as a bit of a sticky late ______."

5. In the seventh of "The Seven Phallic Poems," what does the poet write that his "semen climbs gladly like"?

(see the answer key)

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