Rights of Man Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rights of Man Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part the Second, Combining Principle of Practice, Preface and Introduction, Chapter 1, Of Society and Civilization, Chapter 2, Of the Origin of the Present Old Governments, Chapter 3, Of the Old and New Systems of Government.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What distinction did Paine make in the Preface?
(a) Between the state, the nation and the government.
(b) Between the nation and the government.
(c) Between the state and the nation.
(d) Between the state and the religion.

2. How much of Burke's new work did Paine intend to discuss in Part Two of Rights of Man?
(a) An average amount.
(b) A lot.
(c) Very little.
(d) None.

3. In concluding Of the Old and New Systems of Government, what did Paine state was the basis for free governments?
(a) Neither law nor persons.
(b) Law and persons.
(c) Persons, not law.
(d) Law, not persons.

4. As explained by Paine in the Conclusion of Part One, which two forces was mankind influenced by?
(a) Curiosity and ignorance.
(b) Reason and knowledge.
(c) Reason and ignorance.
(d) Curiosity and knowledge.

5. To begin the Preface, what was Paine's response to Burke's lack of support for the French Revolution?
(a) Disapppointment.
(b) Amusement.
(c) Shock.
(d) Anger.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Paine's opinion, when did a society need government even less?

2. What impressed Paine about the National Assembly in Rights of Man?

3. What style was Part One of Rights of Man written in by Paine?

4. What did Paine say made actions right or wrong with Burke's flawed line of thinking?

5. How did Paine describe republicanism in Of the Old and New Systems of Government?

(see the answer key)

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